Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> Orange Capital Fund will maintain a fund balance to act as a resource for capital project funding <br /> shortfalls. <br /> The target fund balance for the Orange Capital Fund will be five percent (5%) of a 10-year rolling horizon <br /> timeframe to further inform the Orange County Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan's Capital Improvement <br /> Plan (CIP). <br /> The policy should be administered under the following requirements: <br /> The five percent (5%)fund balance will be separate and apart from project contingency budgeted as a <br /> part of individual projects appropriated in the Orange Capital Fund. <br /> Idle funds as defined by N.C.G.S. 159-30 will be invested in accordance with applicable North Carolina <br /> General Statutes and GoTriangle's investment guidelines. <br /> Procedures: <br /> Projections of the fund balance as a percentage of the Orange County Transit Annual Work Program's <br /> CIP will be maintained, demonstrating future compliance with this policy.To demonstrate progress and <br /> compliance with this policy, GoTriangle will include a calculation within the statistical section of its ACFR. <br /> 3 <br />