Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Program, the Orange County Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan, and serve in an advisory role to <br /> the Orange County Board of Commissioners, DCHC MPO Board, and GoTriangle Board of <br /> Trustees in their review consideration, and approval of these two documents. <br /> 2.16 SUBCOMPONENT UNIT: The subcomponent unit is required to report its financial <br /> information as aggregated at the COMPONENT UNIT level and not separately stated. <br /> Durham County Transit Plan Revenues, including Dedicated Local Transit Funding Sources, <br /> expenditures and fund balance in columns separate from the component's financial data in its <br /> annual audited statements. <br /> 2.17 "DEDICATED LOCAL TRANSIT FUNDING SOURCES:"All revenues derived from <br /> transit funding sources designated for use in the Orange County Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan. <br /> These shall include but are not limited to items defined through the Governance ILA in Section <br /> 2.012. <br /> 2.18 "TRANSIT PLAN" or "MULTI-YEAR VISION PLAN:" The comprehensive multi- <br /> year vision plan for transit operating and capital needs over a period of time of at least the <br /> next 4 years through coordination with the DCHC MPO Metropolitan Transportation Plan <br /> adoption process and shall also be prepared by the SWG for approval by appropriate <br /> governing boards, which shall include all the separate components, as further defined in the <br /> Governance ILA in Section 2.038. <br /> 2.19 "ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT ANNUAL WORK PROGRAM" or "WORK <br /> PROGRAM:" shall mean the comprehensive annual program for transit capital and operations <br /> annually presented by the SWG which shall include the separate components further defined in <br /> the Governance ILA in Section 2.011. <br /> 2.20 "GLOBAL AGREEMENT:" An Operating or Capital Funding agreement that <br /> encompasses a discrete logical grouping of capital projects, transit operations, or studies. <br /> ARTICLE 3 <br /> STAFF WORKING GROUP <br /> 3.01 Scope & Authorization. The Governance ILA establishes and enables the Staff <br /> Working Group. The Parties confirm their commitment to serve on the SWG and to carry out <br /> their SWG membership responsibilities by executing this participation agreement. <br /> 3.02 Membership. SWG Membership includes voting &non-voting categories <br /> a) Voting members: two (2) staff persons appointed by each of the Governance ILA <br /> Parties; two (2) staff persons appointed by the Town of Chapel Hill; one (1) staff person <br /> appointed by the Town of Carrboro, Town of Hillsborough, and City of Mebane <br /> b) Non-Voting members: Each of the Implementation Parties must appoint one (1) staff <br /> person <br /> 6 <br />