Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 6. Regular Agenda <br /> a. Orange County Transportation Priority List for SPOT 7.0 / FY 2026-2035 STIP <br /> The Board approved a resolution approving Orange County's transportation priorities for the <br /> State's Strategic Prioritization of Transportation (SPOT)/Strategic Transportation Improvement <br /> Program (STIP). <br /> BACKGROUND: Biennially, the North Carolina Board of Transportation (BOT) adopts a ten year <br /> Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) that funds and schedules transportation <br /> projects throughout the state for all modes. The STIP implements Metropolitan and Rural <br /> Planning Organizations (MPO/RPO) adopted Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) and <br /> Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The CTP and MTP are used by the MPO/RPO to <br /> determine which projects are submitted for consideration in the STIP using the Strategic <br /> Prioritization of Transportation (SPOT) process. The Board initially discussed this item at its <br /> March 7, 2023 Business meeting. <br /> SPOT P7.0 Schedule and Process <br /> Between spring and fall 2023, MPO/RPOs across the state will submit their limited number of <br /> projects — based on their population and total centerline miles—to North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation (NCDOT) for inclusion in SPOT 7.0. These projects must be approved by their <br /> respective Boards prior to submission to the MPO/RPO for their consideration. Orange County's <br /> process requires the BOCC approve the list of County transportation priorities prior to submission <br /> to respective MPO/RPO. <br /> Each MPO/RPO has its own unique process for determining which limited number of projects to <br /> submit to NCDOT. <br /> • DCHC MPO will only submit projects listed in the adopted MTP <br /> • TARPO uses a subcommittee for SPOT 7 project selection <br /> • BG MPO uses a multi-criteria process to determine which projects to submit <br /> Before the MPO/RPO Boards approve projects for submission, they will conduct a 30 day public <br /> comment period and public hearing. <br /> SPOT P7.0 Project List <br /> OCTS staff is recommending Orange County transportation priorities be updated so that projects <br /> may compete better. A list of acronyms is provided (Attachment 1) to go along with the <br /> recommended County Transportation Priority projects noted in Attachments 2, 3, and 5. <br /> • Due to cancellation of SPOT 6, staff recommends the same priorities as SPOT 6. <br /> • Staff is recommending removal of independent bike/ped projects per State Transportation <br /> Investment law— North Carolina General Statutes § 136-189.11 (d).(3).c.— <br /> o "The Department shall not provide financial support for independent bicycle and <br /> pedestrian improvement projects." <br /> • Staff recommends adding NC 10 modernization and Orange Grove Road Extension as <br /> County Priorities for SPOT and other funding opportunities. <br /> TRANPORTATION ADVISORY SERVICE (TAS): <br /> The TAS met on Thursday, January 26, 2023 and unanimously recommended approval. <br /> ORANGE UNIFIED TRANSPORTATION BOARD (OUTBOARD) ACTION: <br /> The OUTBoard met on Thursday, January 26, 2023 and unanimously recommended approval. <br />