Minutes-04-11-2023-Budget Work Session
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes-04-11-2023-Budget Work Session
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Last modified
6/13/2023 8:24:21 AM
Creation date
6/13/2023 8:12:17 AM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 04-11-2023; 1 - Discussion of Manager's Recommended FY 2023-33 Capital Investment Plan (CIP)
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 04-11-2023 Budget Work Session - CIP
Agenda for April 11, 2023 Budget Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 04-11-2023 Budget Work Session - CIP
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8 <br /> Travis Myren gave an example of the Crisis Diversion facility, which will be funded next <br /> year for planning and design, and then the following year is construction funding. He said the full <br /> $25 million would be financed altogether for one project. He said that the county would get a bid <br /> for the whole project and take that to the Local Government Commission. <br /> Commissioner Richards said there are a couple of projects she has questions on but will <br /> wait until Travis Myren gets there in the presentation. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked what the 2.85 cent tax increase would mean for an <br /> average household. <br /> Travis Myren said he can follow up with that information <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said it is $285 on a $100,000 house. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee asked if the county had a hypothetical project that is $25 million total, <br /> and they only pull $2 million for the first year, would they pay interest on the total amount? <br /> Travis Myren said the county would only borrow the $2 million in the planning year. <br /> Travis Myren said they won't know what construction costs will be until the planning money <br /> is spent. He said they will borrow only the $2 million that is needed for the planning process and <br /> then once they have completed that phase, they will know what the construction costs look like <br /> and they will then go and borrow the construction costs. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee asked if the full funding for a project is pulled upfront or if funds are <br /> pulled down as needed. <br /> Travis Myren said it would be pulled day one because the county needs that for legal <br /> authorization to enter into a contract. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said he asked because it makes a difference in the amount of interest <br /> the county will pay. <br /> Slide #11 <br /> FY2023-33 Recommended Education Projects <br /> Orange County Campus Expansion — DTCC - $10.5 million{p. 1 } <br /> $ 0:000 plan nlnVcIeslgn funds authofted In FY2022.23 <br /> Expand existing building by 13,000 to 18,000 square feet <br /> Program Amos Served <br /> Emergency MectIc-al Semces <br /> Hea9th and Wefiless <br /> • SkIlled Trades <br /> • Back la Work and Sma Brrsi;n@&t Center <br /> • StudeA StWy Areas <br /> Studml Supper! Serviees Off lc*Space <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 11 N NIDFKFI I C AROLINA <br />
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