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Additionally, the program has the following Local Preferences for: <br />a. Families who live, work, or have been hired to work in the jurisdiction. <br />b. Families who are graduates or participants in an education and training program <br />to prepare far self-sufficiency. <br />c. Graduates of transitional housing programs for homeless persons; substance <br />abusers; and victims of domestic abuse. <br />Of the current applicant families on the waiting list, less than 5% have preferential <br />placement. <br />Project Based Assistance Update <br />In November 2002, the BOCC approved a Section 8 Project Based Program in Orange County. <br />This policy was approved in anticipation of the potential future development of rental housing <br />complexes far families and individuals with special needs. A project-based program will provide <br />for the allocation of Section 8 assistance to specific, existing or new dwelling units serving <br />persons with disabilities with incomes less than 50% of the median income. This is in contrast <br />to the current tenant-based program that allows low-income persons to receive rental subsidy <br />regardless of location. <br />In January 2003, OPC Foundation for Mental Health submitted an application for 24 project- <br />based vouchers for the new Club Nova apartments to be built in Carrboro. That application was <br />submitted to the Greensboro HUD office on February 13, 2003 for review. On December 5, <br />2003, the County received notification of the approval of 24 project-based vouchers for the Club <br />Nova Apartments. It is important to note that the approval of these project-based vouchers <br />means that these vouchers are taken from our existing voucher pool and does not represent a <br />new allocation of vouchers. Thus, designating 24 vouchers for the Club Nova Apartments will <br />reduce the number of tenant based vouchers available countywide. During the year of 2004, all <br />vouchers that "turnover" or are returned to the County will be reserved in order to have 24 <br />vouchers available in October 2004 when the Club Nova Apartments are expected to be <br />available for lease. With no new voucher allocations, the number of vouchers available under <br />the tenant-based program will be reduced to 599. <br />