Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Omnge County, NC streamlined Annual Plan for fiscal Year 2004_ j 2 <br />HA Code: NC104 <br />^ Yes ® No: Will the PHA's program have eligibility criteria for participation in its <br />Section 8 Homeownership Option program in addition to HUD criteria? <br />If yes, list criteria: <br />c. What actions will the PHA undertake to implement the prograzn this year (list)? <br />Develop program guidelines <br />3. Capacity of the PHA to Administer a Section 8 Homeownership Program: <br />The PHA has demonstrated its capacity to administer the program by (select all that apply): <br />® Establishing a minimum homeowner downpayment requirement of at least 3 percent of <br />purchase price and requiring that at least 1 percent of the purchase price comes from the <br />family's resources.. <br />^ Requiring that financing for purchase of a borne under its Section 8 homeownership will <br />be provided, insured or guaranteed by the state or Federal government; comply with <br />secondary mortgage market underwriting requirements; or comply with generally <br />accepted private sector underwriting standards. <br />^ Partnering with a qualified agency or agencies to administer the program (list name(s) <br />and years of experience below): <br />^ Demonstrating that it has other relevant experience (list experience below): <br />4. Use of the Project-Based Voucher Program <br />Intent to Use Project-Based Assistance <br />® Yes ^ No: Does the PHA plan to "project-base" any tenant-based Section 8 vouchers in <br />the coming year? If the answer is "no," go to the next component. If yes, answer the following <br />questions. <br />® Yes ^ No: Are there circumstances indicating that the project basing of the units, <br />rather than tenant-basing of the same amount of assistance is an appropriate option? If <br />yes, check which circumstances apply: <br />^ low utilization rate for vouchers due to lack of suitable rental units <br />^ access to neighborhoods outside of high poverty areas <br />® other (describe below:) <br />hack of appropriate size antits for single disabled individuals <br />2. Indicate the number of units and general location of units (e.g. eligible census tracts or <br />smaller areas within eligible census tracts): <br />Clreb Nova Apm•tnierats; West Mairr Str°eet; Carrboro, NC. 27.510 24 units <br />Page 12 of 16 (ortn HUD-50075•SA (04/30/2003) <br />