Orange County NC Website
O R A N G E C O U N T Y A R T S C O M M I S S I O N <br />Eno River Mill | 437 Dimmocks Mill Road, Suite 17 | Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />919.245.2129 | | <br />Name of Organization: Organization website: <br />Street Address: Mailing Address (if different): <br />Authorizing Official Name: Title: <br />Authorizing Official Phone: Email: <br />Name of event or program: <br />Date(s) of event or program: <br />Approximate number of attendees expected: <br />Briefly explain the purpose of this event or program: <br />Amount of grant: <br />This grant may only be used to support BIPOC artists providing services to the event or program. Artists must not be an <br />employee, board member, or other authorizing official of the host organization. <br />Please provide a list of artists who will be paid with this grant: <br />NAME RACE CITY/TOWN OF RESIDENCE AMOUNT PAID <br />I, , agree to the following conditions of this grant: <br />1.I agree to submit the required grant report by the due date (TBD). The report will ask for approximate <br />attendance numbers and demographics of audience members, and confirmation of artists hired. <br />2.I agree to use the grant funds only for the purposes explained in this form. <br />3.I agree to incorporate the logos for the Orange County Arts Commission and the North Carolina Arts Council <br />AND the NC Arts Council credit line (“This program is supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of <br />the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.”) into all marketing materials. The logos can be found here. <br />4.I understand future funding opportunities are contingent upon my adherence of these grant requirements. <br />___________________________________ __________________ <br />Signature of Authorizing Official Date <br />$2,061 <br />Natalia Torres de Valle Hispanic/Latinx Hillsborough $300 <br />Khalisa Rae Black/African American Durham $125 <br />Dasan Ahanu Black/African American Durham $125 <br />Other Expenses Outlined - Page 2 The above amounts supplement funds from other grants <br />5/23/2023 <br />Hillsborough Arts Council <br />102 N Churton Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Mollie Thomas Executive Director <br />919-643-2500 <br />"Art is for Everyone" - June Programming at Hillsborough Arts <br />June 18, 25, & 30, 2023 <br />2000 <br />For the month of June, Hillsborough Arts Council is hosting an array of community arts events that promote inclusivity and diversity. Our goal is to ensure artists, audiences, and visitors of all backgrounds feel <br />welcome, seen, and incorporated. We will achieve this through Poetry Workshops & Last Fridays & the Art Walk. Funds from this grant will be used to supplement other funding so that we can pay the teaching / peforming artists their <br />full rate and implement key marketing strategies to maximize participation in these programs. <br />Mollie Thomas <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 599726C5-2D65-40C5-B0F2-BED477456FF7