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MEETING MINUTES 1 ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD 2 APRIL 19, 2023 3 SPECIAL MEETING 4 CONTINUATION OF THE APRIL 5, 2023 REGULAR MEETING 5 <br />6 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Beeman (Chair), Cedar Grove Township Representative; Lamar Proctor (Vice-Chair), Cheeks 7 <br />Township Representative; Melissa Poole, Little River Township Representative; Beth Bronson, At-Large Representative; 8 <br />Charity Kirk, At-Large Representative; Statler Gilfillen, Eno Township Representative; Whitney Watson, At-Large 9 <br />Representative; Steve Kaufmann, Bingham Township Representative; Chris Johnston, Hillsborough Township 10 <br />Representative; Elizabeth Kalies, Chapel Hill Township Representative; 11 <br /> 12 MEMBERS ABSENT: Delores Bailey, At-Large Representative; 13 <br /> 14 <br />STAFF PRESENT: Cy Stober, Planning & Inspections Director; Patrick Mallett, Deputy Director – Development Services; 15 <br />Taylor Perschau, Current Planning and Zoning Supervisor; Nish Trivedi, Transportation Services Director; Lauren 16 <br />Coffey, Planning Technician 17 <br /> 18 <br />OTHERS PRESENT: James Parker, Applicant; Lyle Overcash, Nick Kirkland, Joey Webb, Patrick Byker, Eric Silinish, Will 19 <br />Wirt, Patrick Cummings, Susan Wells, John Cates, John Dempsey, Margo Lakin, Clancy Russell, Jenn Weaver, Susan 20 <br />Swafford, Drake Edwards, Gary Rodgers, Amber Bickford, Raul Herrera, John Cox, Earl Tye, Mary Parkinson, Jennifer 21 <br />Bailey, John Hughes, Margo Lakin, John Dempsey, Margaret Cates, Sandra Brown, Thomas Brown, Emilee Collins, 22 <br />Jessica King, Carolyn Robinson, Jamie Burgess-Flowers, Carolyn Cadamski, Rhonda Zack, Wanda Richardson, Edwin 23 <br />Cox, Mei Huang, Maryalice Nocera, Charlie Clouse, Reynald Chatelain, Debra Fields, Jenni Edwards, Meg Kelly, Drake 24 <br />Edwards, Dan Bivins, Steve Kirby, Alison Sommerstad, Robert James, William Brodeur, Sally Brodeur, Aaron Kirk, Vicki 25 <br />Hill, Amber Bickford, Aaron Kessler, Karen Sexton, Cheryl Howard, Alyson Miller, Linda Nathanson, Kathleen Harper, 26 <br />Eric Lindblom, Nick Schumacher, Kathy Bivins, Kiersten Fitzgerald, Jeff Powell, Allan Green, Matt McDermott, Meaghun 27 <br />Darab, Neal Fisher, Melissa Fisher, Bonnie Alexander, Linda Johnson, Tracy Schumacher, Jack Niklas, Rachael Price, 28 <br />Ross Goldbaun, Brandon Welch, Hugo Sequeira, Amy Carabetta, Robert Minton, Ashley Snipes, Daniel Snipes, Scott 29 <br />Comer, Susan Walser, Mark Micol, Jim Hopper, Jay Hopper, Tony Bayless, Delores Bayless, Scott Czechlewski, Hollis 30 <br />Chatelain, Alex Stanford, Rhonda Zack, Crawford Horne, Felicia Horne, Bill Aucoin, Mark Zack, Rachel Hawkins, Allison 31 <br />Nichols, Hank Clapper, Jim West, Donna Clapp, Tiffany Alrefae, Janet Wright-Simpson, Faye Rhode, Kimberly Leary, 32 <br />Marian Adamson, Bethany Kidd, Ashley Anston, H. Nad Worny, Curtis Kelly, Jason Zoladz, Jeff Reilich, Christine Jackle, 33 <br />Virginia Rhodes, Ryan Rigabar, 34 <br />35 <br />AGENDA ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 36 <br />Chair Adam Beeman called the meeting to order. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Chair Adam Beeman gave a short introduction to the schedule of the night’s meeting which is a continuation of the April 39 <br />5, 2023 meeting. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Agenda Item 3: Zoning Atlas Amendment (Conditional District) – To continue review of and make a 42 <br />recommendation to the BOCC on an applicant-initiated zoning atlas amendment to rezone an 84.9 43 <br />acre parcel from R-1 (Rural Residential) to MPD-CD (Master Plan Development Conditional 44 <br />District). 45 <br /> 46 <br />Cy Stober, Planning and Inspections Director, gave a short recap about the item then turned the meeting over to the 47 <br />applicant to continue their presentation from Jim Parker. 48 <br /> 49 <br />Patrick Byker, attorney for the applicant, re-introduced members of the applicant team who will speak about the project. 50 <br /> 51 <br />John Pelphrey, Orange Tennis Club, spoke about the need for more tennis and pickleball courts in Orange County. 52 <br /> 53 <br />Patrick Byker submitted to the Planning Board, a petition with approximately 200 signatures gathered by Mr. Pelphrey. 54 <br />55 <br />5