6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
6/1/2023 6:34:58 PM
Creation date
6/1/2023 6:34:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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well lowers the level of water in the immediate area, there are people who could end up without water. That is a pretty 275 <br />disastrous situation. The lawyer raised the point at the meeting that yes, under state law the developer has to cover it, 276 <br />etc. but by the time you get through the law and you go to the courts, that’s a legal answer, yes but that doesn’t solve the 277 <br />immediate problem of somebody without water, living in a house. When I raised that issue to Jim Parker, he indicated 278 <br />that if you are talking about 5 or 6 wells in there that start to go dry, perhaps because they are drained, then people need 279 <br />to be taken care of because it has happened because the water table lowered. If like 15 years ago, we had a drought, 280 <br />that could happen. If they are just old wells that the equipment needs to be replaced, that’s not what we are talking 281 <br />about, we are talking about a water table. That I think could be verified as an architect. The environmental issues, unless 282 <br />I read it wrong as an architect, you can talk about 65 houses in this unit but if you can not properly support them with the 283 <br />septic system for 65 units and the wells for 65 units, you can’t build that many units on that site either. So, that’s 284 <br />academic, the environmental issues over rural. I’m looking at, in the end, on this board whether I would accept or not 285 <br />accept the idea of the school. From what the county has told me, correct me if I’m wrong Cy, that is not under our 286 <br />jurisdiction. 287 <br /> 288 <br />Cy Stober: Whether or not the site is appropriate for the land use of a preparatory school as described in our ordinance 289 <br />is well within your purview. 290 <br /> 291 <br />Statler Gilfillen: In other words, any type of school but not a specific school? 292 <br /> 293 <br />Cy Stober: That’s correct. And the school size is relevant, so 400 students is relevant versus 200 students. That’s 294 <br />relevant because it has to do with the building footprint and associated activities. 295 <br /> 296 <br />Statler Gilfillen: Remember your department’s review, this is an acceptable use at this site, of a school. 297 <br /> 298 <br />Cy Stober: I believe our staff analysis and our recommendation reflects that. 299 <br /> 300 <br />Statler Gilfillen: That makes it very difficult to vote against when the professionals that are administering the law have 301 <br />made a decision to advise us accordingly. 302 <br /> 303 <br />Lamar Proctor: Every proposal that you submit to us, you find consistent, is that not true? 304 <br /> 305 <br />Melissa Poole: Not historically. 306 <br /> 307 <br />Lamar Proctor In my time on the board, everything that you’ve presented…. 308 <br /> 309 <br />Overlapping conversation 310 <br /> 311 <br />Cy Stober: In the 9 months I’ve been here, we have recommended all the applications that have come before this board. 312 <br /> 313 <br />Chris Johnston: To confirm, it wouldn’t make it to us if it wasn’t recommended? 314 <br /> 315 <br />Cy Stober: They have a right to be heard. 316 <br /> 317 <br />Melissa Poole: We have heard proposals that were not recommended by the Planning Department of Orange County. 318 <br /> 319 <br />Cy Stober: That’s a legal right, that every property owner and every applicant has in the State of North Carolina, 320 <br />regardless of the staff analysis and recommendation. They have a right before the Planning Board and a right to a public 321 <br />hearing. 322 <br /> 323 <br />Statler Gilfillen: Thank you, I have spent a tremendous amount of time trying to reach out and listen to both sides and 324 <br />this is a very difficult issue before this board for us to vote upon. I hope my neighbors understand, regardless of how I 325 <br />vote. It is based on what I believe will be the best in the end. I just hope that if it goes in Mr. Parker’s favor, that many of 326 <br />you that have objections will finally sit down and try to talk to him about those things that could individually impact you. 327 <br />That might make a difference. I think he’s open. For a couple of years of construction, as a developer, I would want to be 328 <br />open to the people that are surrounding me. 329 <br />40
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