6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
6/1/2023 6:34:58 PM
Creation date
6/1/2023 6:34:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Melissa Poole: You referenced the relationship with a municipality and under the current municipality plan, it is aligned. Is 1538 <br />that correct? 1539 <br /> 1540 <br />Cy Stober: That is correct. We didn’t include it in our consistency statement but we did consult with WASMPBA but we 1541 <br />can provide that in the future. 1542 1543 <br />Lamar Proctor: So it is within the WASMPBA boundary to provide sewer and water? 1544 1545 Cy Stober: The primary service area, yes. 1546 1547 <br />Lamar Proctor: Thank you for that clarification. 1548 <br /> 1549 <br />Steve Kaufmann: Still, the neighborhood will not be able to get water and sewer, even though it is in that region? 1550 <br /> 1551 <br />Cy Stober: They would have to voluntarily have to apply for connection and I believe annexation to the Town of 1552 <br />Hillsborough, pay the connection fees as well as any associated annexation fees. 1553 <br /> 1554 <br />Adam Beeman: They wouldn’t be forced to hop on if the pipe goes by your house, you don’t have to get on the water, 1555 <br />you could maintain your septic and well? 1556 <br /> 1557 <br />Cy Stober: I have been doing planning since 2007 and the state law changed in 2008 regarding voluntary annexation. 1558 <br />Formerly that would have been an option, the town could have just annexed everyone but no, today you must voluntarily 1559 <br />petition for annexation as an individual property owner or a group of property owners. The town cannot force you to be 1560 <br />annexed to the town of Hillsborough. 1561 <br /> 1562 <br />Adam Beeman: Even if the pipe runs right by your front door, you have to ask for the annexation? I don’t want to see 1563 <br />anyone be forced… 1564 <br /> 1565 <br />Cy Stober: Only in the event of well or septic failure which is a state environmental health regulation. 1566 <br /> 1567 <br />Beth Bronson: What is important though is that if the well fails and the septic fails and there happens to be a pipe by their 1568 <br />house, they are required… 1569 <br /> 1570 <br />Adam Beeman: The old law was that if the pipe came by their house, they were forced to abandon their well. I want to 1571 <br />make sure no one is forced to abandon what they already have. 1572 <br /> 1573 <br />Patrick Byker: That is not the case anymore and state law precludes it. 1574 <br /> 1575 <br />Lamar Proctor: Who is paying to hook up well and septic to the school? The town? 1576 <br /> 1577 <br />Patrick Byker: No, no, that is all paid for by the private development team. The school pays for every inch of pipe and 1578 <br />everything that is associated with that. 1579 <br /> 1580 <br />Jim Parker: The cost of the water and sewer from any existing pipe that the town has is paid for by the school. 1581 <br /> 1582 <br />Patrick Byker: The pipe, the manholes the water line… 1583 <br /> 1584 <br />Applicant: The fees, permits, testing all of it is paid by the school, the town does not pay anything. They collect double 1585 <br />the water rates for the usage. If you go on the town’s website and look at the amount of water that is treated by the town 1586 <br />and their treatment plan, is on average about 1.2 million gallons per day and they are permitted for 3 million gallons a 1587 <br />day on both plants. You can look at those reports for yourself online, it’s very clear. 1.2 million gallons a day is processed 1588 <br />through the town’s treatment. This is .015 million gallons a day if both schools are there. It is extremely negligible. So 1589 <br />capacity is not an issue. 1590 <br /> 1591 <br />Whitney Watson: I think a lot of folks on the board are conflicted about this proposal and one of their reasons is that 1592 <br />under land use goal 3 is preserving the community and rural character and land use goal 5.6 is provide the county’s 1593 <br />33
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