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be in someone’s window, they will be pointed straight down onto the courts directionally. That is something that tennis 1319 <br />players prefer too by the way. 1320 <br /> 1321 <br />HYAA representative: Without lights, you end when the sun goes down. In the fall it’s about 7:15 and in the spring it’s 1322 <br />around 8 o’clock. Our games all start at 6 o’clock. 1323 <br /> 1324 <br />Adam Beeman: I am just going to go ahead and assume that you guys will both agree that you are not going to ask 1325 <br />Hillsborough for water and sewer. And I am going to go ahead and talk about water and sewer. I read this septic report 1326 <br />from your soil scientist and he’s shown where it is suitable and not suitable. Then I take your drawing and overlay it and 1327 <br />your buildings and pavements sit on top of all your good sites. Anything that you leave with the exception of the tennis 1328 <br />courts, they are in the bad to not so great septic areas. The last sentence if the soil scientist report was “There appears 1329 <br />to be ample soils and drain field needs for 1,200 students a day school, however once a preliminary site design is 1330 <br />completed, additional site and soil investigation should be conducted to determine the system particulars.” Like I said, if 1331 <br />you lay your site plan on top of this, your buildings cover the majority of your good, suitable septic spaces. I just don’t 1332 <br />understand. 1333 <br /> 1334 <br />Jim Parker: Those sites are conventional septic so there would be innovative septic systems that would be absorptions in 1335 <br />fields, or sprayed or there’s a lot of ways that are done beyond the conventional septic soils. 1336 <br /> 1337 <br />Adam Beeman: If you put in 55 houses, the health department would determine half of them have septic issues and they 1338 <br />probably wouldn’t be put there anyway or there would be restrictions on bedroom size and that’s that. I just want to be 1339 <br />clear because I see septic issues. I don’t know why you didn’t go back to the soil scientist after you got a design and go 1340 <br />back through your site plan and what he did and say yes, everything is still acceptable and suitable or no, we need to 1341 <br />shift some things around because to me it looks like you are sitting on all your good space with pavement and buildings. 1342 <br /> 1343 <br />Jim Parker: The soccer fields could become the septic areas for the school. That is true, and I said that earlier through 1344 <br />the innovative design. 1345 <br /> 1346 <br />Adam Beeman: Nobody on your team has approached the environmental health department for a consultation? I am just 1347 <br />curious to know if you have actually consulted with environmental health. 1348 <br /> 1349 <br />Jim Parker: Other than what Cy indicated as far as them reviewing the soils and everything else associated with that. 1350 <br /> 1351 <br />Adam Beeman: The scientist said “Even though I find suitable places, the regulating authority may find ….Regardless of 1352 <br />what happens between you guys and Hillsborough, if we are going down the septic and well path, I just want to know 1353 <br />that you are going to have suitable space for your schools but I see nothing saying here’s the space for your fields and 1354 <br />here is the space for the tennis courts. 1355 <br /> 1356 <br />Jim Parker: You’re right, the school is the biggest user. 1357 <br /> 1358 <br />Adam Beeman: I was just trying to ascertain if it would be good to go forward and ask the soil scientist to look at the site 1359 <br />plans and say you’re good or hey you guys need to shift some things around, this is not going to work. If we move 1360 <br />forward tonight and approve your plan, your next steps through the development process is going to the health 1361 <br />department and getting your permits and all that. If we let you go forward and you spend more money making allocations 1362 <br />and the health department says “eh you don’t qualify”… 1363 <br /> 1364 <br />Jim Parker: That’s our risk. 1365 <br /> 1366 <br />Adam Beeman: I am simply asking in my mind why wouldn’t you step back and have them give you a 1367 <br />preliminary….come out and say “yep, you’re right, we agree with the soil scientist report. Everything looks like it should 1368 <br />be moving forward.” I’m just trying to prevent you from….it would assuage me to say that someone has looked at the 1369 <br />septic to say “yes, this is going to be acceptable” I have 11 acres and I only perked for 3 bedrooms. It’s difficult, I get it 1370 <br />and …. 1371 <br /> 1372 <br />29