6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
6/1/2023 6:34:58 PM
Creation date
6/1/2023 6:34:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Charity Kirk: But that is only if Hillsborough doesn’t have the water. 1209 <br /> 1210 <br />Patrick Byker: Well, they have the water….it’s just if they will make it available to us. 1211 <br /> 1212 <br />Charity Kirk: I am confused by that but I am going to let it go. 1213 <br /> 1214 <br />Jim Parker: Can I make a comment? 1215 <br /> 1216 <br />Charity Kirk: Yes, please. 1217 <br /> 1218 <br />Jim Parker: You made a comment about the unanimous vote, it was not unanimous, it was 3-2 vote to not annex and the 1219 <br />request was to be annexed and go through the town’s process or to allow out of town connection and pay out of town 1220 <br />rates which are about twice the rates that are paid by in town residents and the vote was 3-2. 1221 <br /> 1222 <br />Charity Kirk: Okay, thank you for that clarification. So the recreational facilities, when this is parceled out, who is going to 1223 <br />own the properties with the recreational facilities on them? 1224 <br /> 1225 <br />Patrick Byker: We will wait until HYAA or Orange Tennis says they are ready to close, so it’s up to the nonprofits to 1226 <br />decide. 1227 <br /> 1228 <br />Charity Kirk: Then they are going to be responsible for maintaining it? 1229 <br /> 1230 <br />Patrick Byker: Absolutely. 1231 <br /> 1232 <br />Overlapping conversation 1233 <br /> 1234 <br />Cy Stober: Our UDO requires for all regulated subdivisions, property owners associations, maintenance and stormwater 1235 <br />facilities, landscaping ….so we would require that to be recorded with likely the platted road as a non-exempt activity on 1236 <br />land and for that to be recorded we would need that POA or property owner’s association and their maintenance 1237 <br />responsibility for the entire property recorded and on file so we would have an entity to process enforcement actions for 1238 <br />any violations of our ordinance. 1239 <br /> 1240 <br />Charity Kirk: So if the fields become derelict after they are built and not maintained 20 years down the line it would be… 1241 <br /> 1242 <br />Cy Stober: So if it fails to meet our …standards, I would suggest landscaping, road maintenance, stormwater 1243 <br />maintenance, buffers, etc. Lighting would also be within our purview to enforce. 1244 <br /> 1245 <br />Charity Kirk: It sounds like a lot of the recreational facilities in Hillsborough are becoming private and blocked off. Is the 1246 <br />plan for these recreational facilities to be public or are they going to be locked too? 1247 <br /> 1248 <br />Patrick Byker: They are open to folks that want to use them. There are no fences. 1249 <br /> 1250 <br />Charity Kirk: Do we know if there is going to be a fence or not? 1251 <br /> 1252 <br />Patrick Byker: There is no gates or fencing shown on the plan. That would be a significant change. We would have to 1253 <br />come back to this board if we said time out, we want to fence everything off. We would have to come back for your 1254 <br />recommendation or the county commissioner’s approval to put up fences and gates. 1255 <br /> 1256 <br />Charity Kirk: Can we address sustainability issues and water saving measures and green building concepts? 1257 <br /> 1258 <br />Cy Stober: No. They are not in our ordinance, for what it’s worth, we are in coordination with the climate …specialist with 1259 <br />the asset management team of the county as well as with the …team to better incentivize those types of architecture… 1260 <br /> 1261 <br />Charity Kirk: But we can’t stipulate grey water usage… 1262 <br /> 1263 <br />27
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