6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
6/1/2023 6:34:58 PM
Creation date
6/1/2023 6:34:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Whitney Watson: Cy, if there are not hydrants currently, in those neighborhoods, can that be a condition that we could 989 <br />attach to this, the installation of hydrants… 990 <br /> 991 <br />Jim Parker: It is a condition that we would accept if the Town of Hillsborough would allow it. 992 <br /> 993 <br />Cy Stober: I think that condition is acceptable, recommend that hydrants be provided along water lines that meet town 994 <br />standards with town approval, I think it is an acceptable condition. 995 <br /> 996 <br />Whitney Watson: If public utilities are extended from Hillsborough, could you talk about the disruption the neighborhoods 997 <br />would incur as trenching and installation work occurs? 998 <br /> 999 <br />Jim Parker: It is typical construction, a water line might take 2-3 weeks barring weather, it is a 12-inch water line, 4 foot 1000 <br />deep, and it would proceed rather quickly. The sewer line on 70 Business would take longer it would run up the South 1001 <br />side of the highway, it would stay within the right of way, negotiating some driveways, mailboxes and things like that. It is 1002 <br />a deeper line, it would require a little longer time, it might be a month and a half- 2 months, barring weather. There is a 1003 <br />lot of traffic on 70 so it would take longer to install it. 1004 <br /> 1005 <br />Whitney Watson: I have a question about the timeline for construction of the athletic fields. I see that there is a 4-5 year 1006 <br />timeline for construction of the schools, a similar timeline is in the packet for the athletic fields, is that correct. 1007 <br /> 1008 <br />Jim Parker: I don’t recall any timelines for the fields themselves. We are rezoning these properties. They will become 3 1009 <br />or 4 properties. It is one property now, it will become 3 or 4 parcels. One for each school, one for the ball fields, tennis 1010 <br />courts, we are ….access to these parcels and we are getting them rezoned which is step one in being able to develop 1011 <br />those parcels as you have seen on your conceptual layout. The supporters for HYAA and the tennis supporters, it will be 1012 <br />up to them to invest and make this happen. We are laying this out for them in order to further their dream. It will require 1013 <br />fundraising, it will require working, them getting their plan together to make this a reality. They can’t raise money, make 1014 <br />investment, without a piece of land that everybody knows where they are going. I hope that answered your question. 1015 <br /> 1016 <br />Whitney Watson: It sort of does. Those fields could potentially lay fallow for as much as 10 years while the entities are 1017 <br />seeking to raise money. 1018 <br /> 1019 <br />Jim Parker: They could stay wooded for years, that is correct. 1020 <br /> 1021 <br />Patrick Byker: But the use can’t change. 1022 <br /> 1023 <br />Whitney Watson: So the school owned athletic fields, 2 soccer fields, they are multi use and could be for lacrosse or 1024 <br />similar sports? Those would be built at the same pace with the school? 1025 <br /> 1026 <br />Jim Parker: Yes, that is the high school property. 1027 <br /> 1028 <br />Whitney Watson: So, the soccer fields, would those be lit for after dark use since they are not the public areas? 1029 <br /> 1030 <br />Jim Parker: Those are not intended to be lit. The only thing that could possibly be lit could be the tennis courts because 1031 <br />typically there is a lot of tennis played in the evenings. Of course we would have to comply with the comprehensive plan, 1032 <br />the UDO, and your guidelines for lighting, staying on site and there has to be sufficient lighting in the parking lot. All 1033 <br />those things can be controlled with shielding and angles and not over lighting. 1034 <br /> 1035 <br />Whitney Watson: What about parking lots, I know that was mumbled in the background. The parking lots around the 1036 <br />athletic facilities and the schools, would they have lighting at night? 1037 <br /> 1038 <br />Patrick Byker: It’s a UDO requirement. 1039 <br /> 1040 <br />Whitney Watson: And that would fall under the same requirements as control? 1041 <br /> 1042 <br />Patrick Byker: Yes sir. 1043 <br />23
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