<br />Beth Bronson: OK so something in like five revisiting this issue, revisiting with the traffic impact analysis might be 717
<br />something that might be proven for preparing opening a lower school? As it .. to the planning director, if there’s a 718
<br />mechanism that you can do that, I am not aware of…As the conditional district, yeah? 719
<br /> 720
<br />Patrick Byker: I’d have to talk about that with the planning director. Though I think we’re certainly willing to evaluate 721
<br />where things are, say if the property moved along, keep it lined up as is stated. We may have increased buses by that 722
<br />time as well, above and beyond is how its projected. Thank you. 723
<br /> 724
<br />Statler Gilfillen: Could you mitigate how the individuals through the audience erase the question about the wells? Yes, 725
<br />the developer, we’ve been talking about if Hillsborough will or will not be providing service. Under state law, I believe, its 726
<br />recommended, you can’t get a boating permit, you can’t reach the environmental districts. You can’t start to build, so 727
<br />whatever you architect designs won’t matter. However, if you put in wells on this site, and three years goes by and all the 728
<br />sudden, half of those … neighbors and all the wells dry up, what protections do they have? 729
<br /> 730
<br />Patrick Byker: That’s a good question to have. It is hypotheticals, but here’s the point, there are certainly time honor case 731
<br />to do so, where if there is something that happens where your use of your property detrimentally affects another one, 732
<br />they have a cause of action in Orange County court. As I said that, I think it’s important to recognize that we are talking 733
<br />about a 90-acre, so my understanding is there would not be, correct me if I’m wrong, 90-acre lots single family homes 734
<br />there without having to pursue this reclaiming order and if those are all with wells that would consume just using 735
<br />presidential averages 35,000 gallons a day from the ---- zone. That’s there without any public hearing. Our usage would 736
<br />be a fraction of that, somewhere between a quarter and a third at most. And so, if you look at these as the concerns, 737
<br />look at what the – would allotted, far greater usage of well water and the gallons per day would be astronomically higher 738
<br />than the proposal that proposed today. 739
<br /> 740
<br />Statler Gilfillen: I want to thank you because I’ve been sitting here trying to listen to what both sides have been saying, 741
<br />and this is a question I .. from the audience asking, it’s a hard question but I believe that it deserves a fair answer- that’s 742
<br />why I ask it. 743
<br /> 744
<br />Patrick Byker: I already answered it, and it’s a time honor principal of real property. 745
<br /> 746
<br />Cy Stober: Just to confirm the existing zone it is our one role, as a … a one acre lot development as an estimate, it is 747
<br />safe to assume under Orange County subdivision criteria and by the needs of public road dedication roughly a third of 748
<br />the property would be dedicated for open space and right away as a recreation area so that would leave approximately 749
<br />between 50 and 60 acres, about 54 acres, for homes and 1 acre lots. 750
<br /> 751
<br />Statler Gilfillen: Thank you, I appreciate the clarification. It still would be a tough greater usage if it were a development 752
<br />simply, right? Those two questions kind of interrelate, several people have raised questions and if I were an adjacent 753
<br />neighbor to the sight, and you come in with tasteful diamonds and all the night lighting, that could be a serious service at 754
<br />10 o’clock at night or 11 o’clock at night, with lights. Teenagers going on and I would happen to like that if I happened to 755
<br />live next to it. Cedar ridge road is not enough. Now, there is also a case that people that have talked about the adverse 756
<br />effect to the neighbors but also the wildlife. Somebody this evening raised a question that this may affect endangered 757
<br />animal. Is there any review of the endangered species adjunct? Does this have any affect? 758
<br /> 759
<br />Jim Parker: It’s in your staff report, but there is no impact. So that was addressed in the staff report and my 760
<br />understanding is the baseball and softball is not lit, is that correct? Yes, there is no lighting for baseball and softball, on 761
<br />the plan before this evening. 762
<br /> 763
<br />Statler Gilfillen: Okay so what provisions for the neighbors for the town square are you taking? All lighting would be 764
<br />controlled by the VBO, comprehensive plan. 765
<br /> 766
<br />Patrick Byker: There are standards that obviously this project would follow but I do want to state for the record that a 767
<br />large area of the baseball and softball field will not have any lights. 768
<br /> 769
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