6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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6/1/2023 6:34:58 PM
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6/1/2023 6:34:01 PM
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Regular Meeting
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661 <br />Statler Gilfillen: At River Park Elementary at about 8 o’clock in the morning, going in and out of that school, there could 662 <br />be a 15 minute delay and there have actually been people who have been hit. A custodian was once hit by a car. What 663 <br />precautions for entering and leaving this school are you taking, not to slow traffic? People coming are not expecting that 664 <br />delay and they are going to be very upset… 665 <br /> 666 <br />Lyle Overcash: As we discussed at the last meeting, the most important thing is to make sure that the stacking, the cars 667 <br />are stacking on the campus and not backed out onto Lawrence Rd. or US70. That is the number one thing. Again, we 668 <br />have about a mile of stacking distance on the campus itself and Joey is committed to making the management plan work 669 <br />and keep that stacking on campus, that is the number one issue. The second biggest safety concern would be the left 670 <br />turn lanes that are going to be provided at the school driveways at Lawrence Rd. and US70. There’s no left turn lanes on 671 <br />NC10 and I’m sure there are some accidents associated with that. The center left turn lane is the most critical thing when 672 <br />it comes to safety. 673 <br /> 674 <br />Beth Bronson: You spoke about 15% of school traffic coming from Nc10 to Lawrence Rd. then 15% coming from NC86, 675 <br />15% coming from the west side of Hillsborough….having the lottery system you will have a lot of students coming from 676 <br />neighboring counties, I know that there are plans for a bus, how much traffic might end up getting routed to NC10 677 <br />because there is so much congestion in the Hillsborough city limits. I think that is something to consider and I do 678 <br />understand the neighbor’s concern about the traffic and the commuters’ concerns about the traffic. Also that this is not a 679 <br />24 hour business or a 1600 student school facility. Did the TIA incorporate the recreational….? 680 <br /> 681 <br />Lyle Overcash: It did. 682 <br /> 683 <br />Beth Bronson: I fully support the public nature of it, I just don’t know, is that based on how many members, semi-public 684 <br />members there will be at the recreational fields through HYAA specifically? 685 <br /> 686 <br />Jim Parker: It was based on the acreage of the recreational space and the tennis facility was calculated separately 687 <br />based on other data. Going back to your original question, it is difficult to ascertain where all the different students will be 688 <br />coming from but the good thing about this site and how it is designed, students can come from all different directions. It’s 689 <br />not all just coming in on one road at one time. There are multiple ways to get into the site, so when you take the 4,000 690 <br />trips per day that we estimated, that didn’t take into consideration traffic. We are going to have 30-50% bussing, then 691 <br />those volumes are conservative and so when you take 4,000 and divide by 4 it is 1,000 in each direction so those loads 692 <br />are not that severe. I understand the neighbor’s concerns and we are trying to do the best we can with the site. 693 <br /> 694 <br />Beth Bronson: At the same time I don’t understand how conditionally we could make you, as the applicant responsible 695 <br />for something that already needed to be, in the public’s view, already needed to be addressed but I do believe that the 696 <br />safety of adding school children into the mix and creating that type of traffic is paramount. 697 <br /> 698 <br />Lyle Overcash: We appreciate that point, that is why we wanted to step forward with the turn lanes at US70 and 699 <br />Lawrence Rd. That was based on conversation with DOT and it’s near the … at the back end of your staff package page 700 <br />377 or 378. Highlights that intersection as a recommended. 701 <br /> 702 <br />Beth Bronson: Would you be interested in. Not would you be interested in. The condition of revisiting this traffic impact 703 <br />given the recreational field as well as the school matriculation of the school being full capacity in three years I believe? 704 <br /> 705 <br />Patrick Byker: No at least four. 706 <br /> 707 <br />Beth Bronson: Four years. Okay, so at five years you would be considered to be at full capacity for just the high school, 708 <br />or the high school and the lower school? 709 <br /> 710 <br />Patrick Byker: I’m not sure … of the lower school is, that’s to be determined. 711 <br /> 712 <br />Beth Bronson: So, the lower school is not considered in any of this. 713 <br /> 714 <br />Patrick Byker: Yes, it’s factored in the traffic. 715 <br />17
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