6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
6/1/2023 6:34:58 PM
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6/1/2023 6:34:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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606 <br />Cy Stober: That is my analysis, yes. 607 <br /> 608 <br />Statler Gilfillen: The question I have next would be the one that I inappropriately started to ask earlier of the lawyer, you 609 <br />mentioned that within 2 years they would correct a traffic issue, if in the first 3 months you build a development on this 610 <br />property that causes severe traffic problems because you have not finished what you planned in 2 years, what plans do 611 <br />you have? 612 <br /> 613 <br />Patrick Byker: I would have to take issue with that characterization. The point is that the first year’s student enrollment 614 <br />would be 150 students, that is fairly minor increase in traffic. The timing is important because we need to survey, design, 615 <br />go through NCDOT review, and obtain approval before we can even let a contractor build those turn lanes. That is a time 616 <br />consuming and expensive undertaking and that is why it is not really possible to have done on day one in conjunction 617 <br />with the school being built. However, if we discover going through this process that there is a driveway constraint or 618 <br />another constraint that does not allow the development team to build the turn lane themselves, we will just write a check 619 <br />to Orange County NCDOT for them to build a turn lane since they have ….authority and we would write that check 620 <br />before the school opens. 621 <br /> 622 <br />Statler Gilfillen: I am the Eno River Township representative. I am probably the closest person to this site. I use 623 <br />Lawrence Road on a ongoing basis. I have a number of specific questions. You or Jim Parker may be able to answer 624 <br />these. A question was raised tonight about specific plans on the corner of NC10 and Lawrence Road. I am not sure what 625 <br />plans you have but I am aware that that is already a difficult intersection . I believe there is a historic house with a marble 626 <br />stone wall around it at the intersection that may get impacted historically. Do you have any plans or comments regarding 627 <br />that intersection? 628 <br /> 629 <br />Patrick Byker: I would like to bring up our team just so that we make sure we answer your question as thoroughly as we 630 <br />can. I will say on the record, that since this a conditional use zoning atlas amendment, pursuant to NC GS 160D 73B, 631 <br />you are allowed to offer conditions. I will say on the record tonight, subject to NCDOT approval, we will install a median 632 <br />on Lawrence Road at the Old NC 10 intersection. Now to answer your questions as to how we got to that point, Lyle, will 633 <br />you give a background on the study area please? This is Lyle Overcash our traffic engineer who specializes in school 634 <br />traffic. 635 <br /> 636 <br />Lyle Overcash: A lot of good comments from the neighbors, Old NC10 and Lawrence Road was brought up early in the 637 <br />scoping process, the county asked for that intersection to be included in the study area. The development overall was 638 <br />about 4,000 vehicles a day. NCDOT felt like with such a minor volume it was highly unlikely that they would make any 639 <br />kind of improvements there. The intersection is on the HSIE list so it has an accident history. A gentleman earlier in the 640 <br />meeting made a good suggestion about putting a median on NC10, to prevent folks from cutting the corner. We haven’t 641 <br />studied that. Someone else had mentioned that folks are running through the intersection, maybe not stopping. It sounds 642 <br />like if you added a median on Lawrence Road, just looking at a street view while the meeting was going on, I don’t see a 643 <br />lot of striping that is noticeable, so I think through adding some additional striping, a stop bar, possibly adding that 644 <br />median, and what that median would do is allow you to put up another stop sign. So that would give you two stop signs 645 <br />as you approach that intersection so maybe that would help prevent some people from running through the intersection. 646 <br />Again, we didn’t study that intersection in the TIA, those are just some suggestions that came to us. 647 <br /> 648 <br />Statler Gilfillen: Have you done any studies comparing accident rates with traffic on NC10/Lawrence Rd compared to 649 <br />comparable areas? 650 <br /> 651 <br />Lyle Overcash: No, we didn’t study NC10. 652 <br /> 653 <br />Statler Gilfillen: One of the people here in the audience has raised that point that several accidents have happened on 654 <br />Lawrence Road. Being someone that uses it, I am concerned about that. 655 <br /> 656 <br />Lyle Overcash: The posted speed limit on Lawrence Rd. is 45 mph….when we would build this development, we would 657 <br />petition the DOT to make that area a school zone through that area so we would try to reduce the speed limit during 658 <br />school hours to 35 mph so that would give it at least a window particularly during the AM peak hour to try to reduce the 659 <br />speeds through that area. 660 <br />16
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