Orange County NC Website
down many times and I just want you to take that into consideration. I think her words were heartfelt from the community. 551 <br />I think you all need to take a look at yourself and see if this is really something that we need in our area. I understand 552 <br />that there are a lot of athletic people. I played football at West Virginia University and I understand the meaning of a 553 <br />team but I don’t think this site is fit for us to develop what we are looking for here. The traffic is a concern for us and a lot 554 <br />of us are on well water. I know the schools are going to get city water because the state requires that. The ball fields and 555 <br />the other athletic courts that will be put in place, it is going to be well water for us. If we have well water then that means 556 <br />they are going to drill down deeper into the wells. They are going to go hundreds of feet deeper than anyone else. I am 557 <br />in the vegetation industry and we know that if the wells go down deeper, that means the ones that have lesser are going 558 <br />to get the muddy and unclear water at the top. Please take that into consideration when you vote on this proposal. 559 <br /> 560 <br />Margaret Cates: I live on Lawrence Road and have been there since the 1960’s so I have probably been there longer 561 <br />than most of these people have. There are also people who have been in the community longer than I have, they just 562 <br />can’t make it out this late at night. Where I’m at is where the tennis courts are going. That is going to mean a lot of light 563 <br />and I like my dark time at night. It is just as dark as it can be, you can see the stars, you can see the space lab when it 564 <br />goes across. I am like the other woman and like to sit out there and have my morning coffee and hear the birds, squirrels 565 <br />and all that. Also, the traffic on Lawrence Road is terrible, if you try to come out on Laney Drive which parallels 85, you 566 <br />can not see because of the bridge so if you want to go left, you have to pull out almost into traffic to see across that 567 <br />ridge. Also at the end of Orange Road and Old NC 10, there have been in the last year, at least 3 cars that ran across 568 <br />Old NC 10 into my sister’s property. To me, it is not a good place. Myself, would miss that pretty green field. Sometimes 569 <br />it is deer corn or whatever, but right now it is a pretty green field with yellow wildflowers blooming and it is a beautiful 570 <br />place. 571 <br /> 572 <br />Adam Beeman: That concludes the public comment section. 573 <br /> 574 <br />Cy Stober shared procedural slides, a tentative schedule and four available actions with the Board. 575 <br /> 576 <br />Statler Gilfillen: I think you answered one of my questions, that it agrees with the comprehensive plan for Orange 577 <br />County? 578 <br /> 579 <br />Cy Stober: That is our staff analysis that can be found in the staff report in your packet, yes. 580 <br /> 581 <br />Statler Gilfillen: I would like to ask the counterpart, the Mayor of Hillsborough, if this is in agreement with the 582 <br />comprehensive plan for Hillsborough. 583 <br /> 584 <br />Charity Kirk: Can we address the Mayor of Hillsborough at this time? 585 <br /> 586 <br />Cy Stober: As a member of the public it would be unorthodox…. 587 <br /> 588 <br />Statler Gilfillen: Okay, if I am not allowed to ask the question then I withdraw it. She was a speaker last week… 589 <br /> 590 <br />Cy Stober: We did consult the town’s current adopted comprehensive plan, they have a drafted comprehensive 591 <br />sustainability plan that is not yet adopted. The existing comprehensive plan that the town has is reflected in COCA and 592 <br />that is what staff consulted in its analysis and recommendation to the board. 593 <br /> 594 <br />Statler Gilfillen: So your findings of your board are that this proposal would be consistent with both the County and 595 <br />Hillsborough’s comprehensive plans? 596 <br /> 597 <br />Charity Kirk: Current, but one of the points that the mayor made was that they have a draft comprehensive plan that is 598 <br />not public….. 599 <br /> 600 <br />Cy Stober: It is set for public hearing tomorrow evening and public comment on Friday. 601 <br />We can only consider adopted plans. 602 <br /> 603 <br />Statler Gilfillen: I will assume that the answer to my question is that as the current law stands, this proposal meets the 604 <br />comprehensive plans? 605 <br />15