6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
6/1/2023 6:34:58 PM
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6/1/2023 6:34:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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brother and sister-in-law up in DC, my sister-in-law is an Army doctor and was stationed at Walter Reed at the time. My 496 <br />brother-in-law, like most brother in laws when you go visit them, had a project for me, which was to go into an empty 497 <br />building and paint every wall in the place and move way too much furniture for an entire weekend. Full disclosure, my 498 <br />brother-in-law is Joey Webb, he is going to be the director of West….Charter School. I saw him take that empty building 499 <br />and turn it into a place that gave opportunities to kids that just didn’t have opportunities to learn and enrich their lives and 500 <br />I saw him to get kids to take the AP exams that they would have never had access to. He sent this young girl to a 501 <br />Harvard computer science course and put her on a pathway to a life that she would have never had without that school. I 502 <br />saw him work with his community to have a symbiotic relationship where both the neighborhood and school could thrive 503 <br />together. I think that this community having Joey Webb in it and starting this school is like winning the lottery. I spend a 504 <br />lot of my time dedicating my life to serving this community, my sister-in-law has put her life in danger to serve our military 505 <br />and worked so hard and I know that Joey Webb shares that same passion for his community. Thank you for coming here 506 <br />a second night in a row and you have missed two bedtimes to be here, and I know a lot of parents have been in the 507 <br />same situation and I don’t get a lot of bedtimes with my son, so thank you for taking the time. 508 <br /> 509 <br />Rob Minton: I live off of Lawrence Road in the Wyngate community and one thing I would like to add is that we had over 510 <br />700 petitions against this project. In addition to that, the neighborhood I live in and have enjoyed all these years, is quiet. 511 <br />This will be completely ripped apart with this project. They are talking about numbers anywhere from 800-1200 students. 512 <br />The traffic congestion will be inconceivable, I don’t think you can really plan these things. The comments made about the 513 <br />stress on wells is well taken. Unfortunately, as mentioned previously, I don’t hear any hydrogeologic study that has been 514 <br />done at all. I also hear a lot of athletic enthusiasts and I am one. I love tennis and baseball as well. I just think it doesn’t 515 <br />need to be in this area. Better sites would encompass at least 4 lanes, that would be more reasonable. This, with 2 516 <br />lanes, just doesn’t make sense. With that, I appreciate the time that you have given me to say my piece but it is a big fat 517 <br />no for me. 518 <br /> 519 <br />Linda Johnson: This is a personal issue for me, I live on Lawrence Road. I have lived here since 2008. I moved to this 520 <br />community because I loved my house in Durham, but I could hear the highway cars. I jumped at an opportunity to buy a 521 <br />house here when I found one. To be in a rural, quiet…..I am kind of a city girl but I loved it out here. Lawrence Road has 522 <br />already gotten way busier. Two of my neighbors have both been hit on Lawrence Road pulling into their own driveway. 523 <br />We have asked the police to park on Lawrence Road because in the mornings they could catch them speeding easily. It 524 <br />is a safety concern for me. I feel like I can’t come up against lawyers and studies and this and that. I am a preschool 525 <br />teacher so when I heard someone speaking the other night about the charter school and I heard all the things that he 526 <br />said, I understand social, emotional and STEM, It’s what I do, it is what I do every single day. I agree and I love all that. I 527 <br />was so excited, and I thought “I would love to work for him, I want to give him my number! He wants to do all the things 528 <br />that I do.” What I don’t understand is why is it this parcel of land? They are trying to make it all rosy and fit an elephant 529 <br />into a show box, when Orange County is huge. It seems like you would want to maintain the small-town city. We have a 530 <br />Sportsplex probably not even a mile down the road from what they are proposing. They are talking about walking paths 531 <br />and tennis and baseball and softball and pickleball and K-8 and High School in this little, tiny area. I would think you 532 <br />would want somewhere further out. One of my concerns is that all of this seems too fast for me, too much of a sense of 533 <br />urgency and I want to know why, why the sense of urgency? I just saw the signs go up less than a month ago on my 534 <br />road. That was when I found out about all this. I don’t have time to read through all these studies to figure out if they are 535 <br />correct or not. I am busy teaching my kids here in the community. 536 <br /> 537 <br />Jessica King: Lives on US 70A East. I can see the field from my back porch. In the mornings I go out and drink my coffee 538 <br />and I can hear the birds in the trees and see the deer walk through. That is not going to be any longer. My concern is 539 <br />that as I look at the map, my house is right at the parking lot. I don’t know of many parking lots that do not have lights. I 540 <br />know we need baseball fields, I know we need tennis courts, I am not doubting that. But in this area, it is really small. 541 <br />With us being on a well, we are worried that our wells are going to go dry. With the parking lot, it is a hard surface, when 542 <br />it rains, where is that rain going to go? Is it going to be a problem for me now and will we have issues that we have never 543 <br />had before? Our neighborhood is quiet and that is the way we would like to keep it. 544 <br /> 545 <br />Charlie Clouse- I have been a resident of Hillsborough for 22 years. I have been involved in a lot of situations helping out 546 <br />community members that are in this room. I’ve volunteered for organizations and I understand what the developer is 547 <br />trying to do but I think he is trying to back door us here. He said in the meeting on April 5, I believe, that we are good for 548 <br />well water and septic and we know that is not the case. The state clearly brings it to order that if he gets approved, the 549 <br />Town of Hillsborough will have to give them water and sewage. Mayor Weaver made a good case and it has been voted 550 <br />14
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