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impact analysis for me before, so I wanted to support it. I looked through the information carefully and I have read the 276 <br />traffic impact analysis with great interest. I was really disappointed because I was stunned that the intersection of Old NC 277 <br />10 and Lawrence Road was completely ignored in that analysis. It’s a very dangerous intersection currently and they are 278 <br />looking at adding 15,000 cars in this general vicinity and are saying that hardly any of them will be coming from the south 279 <br />and that is ridiculous. That says that all the people here who are supporting tennis and the baseball fields, and the STEM 280 <br />schools are not going to be coming from Beckett’s Ridge and Waterstone or Joppa Oaks. None of them are going to be 281 <br />coming up Old NC 10 and going up Lawrence Road to the site, that’s ludicrous. It’s a direct route to get there from the 282 <br />south of the site. I don’t understand how that could be so neglected in the traffic impact analysis and I am really 283 <br />concerned about that intersection. My husband, who spoke earlier, who only has one arm, he lost his arm on Old NC 10. 284 <br />This is not a conceptual danger for us. This is reality. It’s a dangerous road now and you are going to add a lot of traffic 285 <br />to it. I am here to say, I support baseball fields, I support tennis, I support STEM schools but not on this site, not on this 286 <br />road. It is the wrong place for it. I ask for you to vote no on this. 287 <br /> 288 <br />Scott Czecklewski: I am CEO of the Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce and I am speaking tonight on behalf of our 289 <br />Board of Directors. The Chamber’s mission is to promote both economic development and quality of life, so we carefully 290 <br />consider all sides of an issue before we take a position. The applicant created the plans for this site based on needs 291 <br />expressed by the public and for the Hillsborough Youth Athletic Association and the Orange Tennis Club. Even more 292 <br />importantly, the applicant studied the established ….development ordinance and created a project that fits within the 293 <br />scope of the development deemed appropriate for this site. The applicant then determined and carried out everything 294 <br />required to have the school approved according to state and municipal regulations. This zoning change and proposed 295 <br />uses are consistent with the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. The plan identifies this parcel in a twenty-year 296 <br />transition area which means that the county intended for it to evolve in this manner on this land. As the Chamber Board 297 <br />studied this proposal, it was easy to identify the need for the infrastructure that this rezoning will open the door to build. 298 <br />There is a significant lack of baseball, softball fields and tennis and pickleball courts in the area as you have heard from 299 <br />many people tonight. That’s why this project has such strong support from the Hillsborough Youth Athletic Association 300 <br />and the Orange Tennis Club. Youth participating in HYAA play at 3 fields, one, Collin’s Field, will no longer be available 301 <br />once the development of that site begins. Local tennis and pickleball players have expressed concerns about the courts 302 <br />in the area. They are limited to just three courts. Tennis players must travel to Durham and Chapel Hill when they play, 303 <br />supporting businesses elsewhere. While there will always be traffic fears with any new development, the developers plan 304 <br />improvements in the intersections and with the construction of turn lanes at both entrances to the school and the 305 <br />school’s bussing plan will help alleviate those concerns. Something Mayor Weaver said at the last meeting struck me, 306 <br />she noted that many proposals for this property had been made over the past 15 years, and all had been denied. Our 307 <br />area youth will be served in many positive, life-changing ways for decades to come by these proposed charter schools 308 <br />and athletic fields. It’s time that a project that meets the guidelines of the UDO and the comprehensive plan is approved. 309 <br />The Chamber Board of Directors hopes the plan will be approved. 310 <br /> 311 <br />Steve Kirby: I am the boy’s and girl’s high school tennis coach at Eno River Academy and a parent of kids who like to 312 <br />play tennis. I am speaking in favor of the proposed rezoning request because the kids need more accessible tennis 313 <br />courts, as we’ve heard. Our tennis teams are young having just started playing in the fall if 2021 but interest in them has 314 <br />been growing. We don’t have enough places to play tennis. We have difficulty renting a space to have practices and to 315 <br />play our matches. The only ones in the area are rented by a middle school in Durham because they lack courts as well. 316 <br />Our athletic director has been able to rent courts at Moreene Road Park but we are only able to do so before school gets 317 <br />out. It is interesting to note that when we have home tennis matches, the kids miss their entire last class, which makes it 318 <br />difficult for us to get parental approval and the kids end up leaving school earlier for home matches than they do for 319 <br />away matches. Matches regularly go for two and a half to three hours so we bump up against the 6 o’clock deadline, 320 <br />even with the three o’clock start. Three weeks ago, when we had a tennis match it bumped right up against it and we 321 <br />had to beg the tennis leagues to let us finish playing our high school tennis matches. They kicked us off and we had to 322 <br />beg them to let us play a match point. The earlier afternoon matches aren’t accessible to us. Some schools such as 323 <br />Orange High, Cedar Ridge and Graham, won’t play us at our courts because it means their kids get out of school too 324 <br />early, so we have to play at their courts. The problem with that is the distance of travel. It’s a tough call for parents to 325 <br />make to say twenty minutes each direction is what we will have to travel to practices every day and for matches. With 326 <br />other sports, it’s right there at school. It also impacts our ability to have a thriving middle school program because they 327 <br />involve courts too. So, we are facing competition not just from other Durham schools but from our own middle schools 328 <br />and we can’t get middle schools to have tennis programs because they don’t have a place to put them. Tennis is a great 329 <br />sport; we love it and we want a place to play and that is why you should vote for this proposal. 330 <br />10