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Old Business: <br /> a. P&R Master Plan 2030 Mid-Plan Report/Findings: Stancil led a brief discussion on the <br /> next stages of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan mid-plan review. He stated that <br /> items added, changed, or enforced by the Council would be included in the proposed <br /> review. He requested that additional items not discussed at the April meeting be <br /> brought forward and discussed to the next meeting. Kalani Allen displayed a word cloud <br /> with significant words members gave from the previous meeting. These words would go <br /> along with recommendations for the mid plan review. <br /> Report of the Director: <br /> a. Project/Program Updates (Perry Hills, Blackwood, etc.): Stancil provided an update on <br /> the reopening of Blackwood Farm Park, which had a soft opening on April 25. He <br /> provided members with an update on the program schedule for the reopening <br /> celebration. He mentioned the last Perry Hills Park meeting, and he added that a <br /> meeting to review draft park designs would be held in June, and that a master plan <br /> would be developed and presented to county commissioners in September after PRC <br /> review. <br /> Council and Committee Reports: <br /> a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group (April 12 mtg) —Greg Hughes attended the IPWG <br /> meeting. He stated that he was interested in learning how to get the events out to the <br /> community as there are numerous activities throughout the jurisdictions. <br /> b. Items from the Council /Sharing of Volunteer Opportunities- none <br /> Adjournment: Reyman adjourned meeting at B:OOpm. <br /> Next Meeting: June 7, 6:30pm, Davis Center, Hillsborough <br /> * -The meeting was relocated from Fairview Park picnic shelter due to expected weather. <br />