Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 awareness but they do not have a public memory of any injustices as white people. She said that <br /> 2 there is a reckoning with American history about racial injustice. She said that we do not reckon <br /> 3 with the collective trauma and we have amnesia. She said it is not in our public memory. She <br /> 4 said we have all inherited this. She said that there needs to be respect for the low-income people. <br /> 5 She said that the Health Department does marketing and clinics at RENA and asked for the tax <br /> 6 department to follow their example and please be more proactive. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Commissioner Portie-Ascott said that a study showed black owned properties are <br /> 9 assessed 11% higher than white properties in North Carolina. She asked if Chris McLaughlin had <br /> 10 that number for Orange County. <br /> 11 Chris McLaughlin said that the study was from the University of Chicago and there is a <br /> 12 link to the report in the agenda packet. <br /> 13 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if the race of the appraisers was considered. <br /> 14 Chris McLaughlin said no. <br /> 15 Commissioner Hamilton asked if the next steps could include presentation of the Chicago <br /> 16 study and the methodology for the recent study. <br /> 17 Chris McLaughlin said he cannot vouch for the accuracy of the study but that he can <br /> 18 explain the data. <br /> 19 Commissioner Hamilton said she would also want to know how that happens. She said <br /> 20 she would also like to review the methodology of appraising. <br /> 21 Commissioner Richards said that she would want the study to be repeated after the next <br /> 22 revaluation cycle. She said that maybe they will see a broader understanding of the process. <br /> 23 Vice-Chair McKee asked Nancy Freeman if he is correct that the greatest concern was <br /> 24 the rate of the increase in property values. <br /> 25 Nancy Freeman said that was correct. <br /> 26 Vice-Chair McKee asked what the process is for informing property owners about the <br /> 27 appeals process. <br /> 28 Nancy Freeman said they are undertaking several activities. She said they recently <br /> 29 attended a fair for minorities and Hispanics where they provided information about appeals in <br /> 30 Spanish and they did not have that information before. She said they try to piggyback on other <br /> 31 events to share information. She said that they will partner with the Department on Aging. She <br /> 32 said outreach focuses on educating people about the tax office and who they can go to. <br /> 33 Vice-Chair McKee said that focusing on community organizations and churches would <br /> 34 also be useful. <br /> 35 Chair Bedford asked what the window is for appealing 2023 values. <br /> 36 Nancy Freeman said the formal appeals window was currently happening. <br /> 37 Chair Bedford asked if anyone can do an informal appeal. <br /> 38 Nancy Freeman only formal appeals can be made. <br /> 39 Chair Bedford clarified that they do not need a lawyer. <br /> 40 Nancy Freeman said no, they don't. <br /> 41 Chair Bedford asked if they could call the office to get more information from staff. <br /> 42 Nancy Freeman said yes and that they will be happy to assist. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 <br /> 45 5. Public Hearings <br /> 46 None. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 <br />