Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> 1 Slide #30 <br /> FY2023-33 Recommended Vehicle Replacements <br /> • Vehicle Replacements - $1,700,130 (p. 73) <br /> — Public Safety Priorities <br /> Animal Senr(cesReplacement (13 590,059 <br /> • Emergency Senrlcee(5Admin, 1 Truck) 5413.070Lh&erne <br /> Hillstwoup Fire talarshall(re(mbur%ecl) $9.ow <br /> • Sfierlffs Officevehlctes i15 reptacementsl 5598.035 <br /> Total Public Safety 51,071,1711 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 2 "si <br /> 3 Travis Myren said in addition to capacity for charging they also have to consider the <br /> 4 feasibility of electric vehicles for certain uses. He gave an example of cars for Sheriff's <br /> 5 deputies. <br /> 6 Commissioner Greene asked for further information on why an electric vehicle would not <br /> 7 be appropriate for Sheriff's cars. <br /> 8 Travis Myren said there is radio equipment and other things that have to run while the <br /> 9 vehicles are idle and that pulls on the battery. He said this is the same with other emergency <br /> 10 services. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Slide #31 <br /> F 2023-33 Recommended Vehicle Replacements <br /> — <br /> AdminiWative Vehicles <br /> * ANIS Van Replacements (2) $95,900 Electric <br /> Car Share Replacements (2) $70.000 Electric <br /> DEAPR Truck Replacement (2) $97,875 <br /> • DSS Vehicle Replacemetrt (4) $158,582 Electric 0) <br /> Ecwomia peve9tment (1} $56,359 Electric <br /> Lease Buyouts(8) $147,000 <br /> = Enviironnwntal Health(1) $30,608 <br /> Plar►niiny Whiele Repl"emert $30,935 Flectric <br /> • Taxes,Tags, Reowration $32,412 <br /> TAW Administrative $718.451 <br /> Total of 10 electric vehicles <br /> • Assacrated charging stations($187.0003 included in the Sustainability Project <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 3t N4DRT"l t CAROLINA <br /> 13 <br />