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11 <br /> 1 Chair Bedford asked what is causing the bubbling. <br /> 2 Steven Arndt, Asset Management Services Director said the slab was not adequately <br /> 3 sealed when the original floor was placed, so moisture has come up causing bubbling. He said <br /> 4 they will seal the floor properly during the replacement. <br /> 5 Vice-Chair McKee asked if the sewer lines still run under the building. <br /> 6 Steve Arndt said no. <br /> 7 Vice-Chair McKee asked if they have looked at other options besides vinyl because <br /> 8 gymnasium floors are usually wooden. <br /> 9 Steve Arndt said some grade schools use this composite flooring. <br /> 10 Vice-Chair McKee said this is a problem that can sometimes come back after repairs. <br /> 11 Travis Myren said staff will look at different floor covering options. <br /> 12 Chair Bedford said this type of composite flooring helps protect children's teeth. <br /> 13 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked how the quote process works. <br /> 14 Steve Arndt said they will follow the standard bid process and that this is an estimate. <br /> 15 Travis Myren said many of the numbers here are estimates based on talking with <br /> 16 vendors and the bid process will be done later according to statutes. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Slide #15 <br /> FY2023-33 Recommended Capital Investment Plan <br /> {Climate Charge Mitigation <br /> $554,085 (p. 38) <br /> - Dedicated 'P#cent property tax rate <br /> - of funds through competitive grant <br /> - 50% of funds available to schools <br /> 4P <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> N4DRYI L CA R07-1 NA <br /> 19 'y <br /> 20 <br /> 21 <br /> 22 <br />