Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID : 22DOBF22- BF984108-ADE4-6A61 C59DB4DA <br /> i <br /> 2 . The Clarion Team and County Staff will work as a team throughout the project . Project <br /> management issues that arise during the project will be dealt with quickly through a <br /> conference call or faceAo -face meeting to keep the process moving . <br /> 3 . Clarion Associates will provide project management for the overall project and will be 4 <br /> responsible for management of the consultant team . Leigh Anne King will be the Project <br /> Director and Emily Gvino will be the Project Coordinator for the Clarion team . Both will attend <br /> project management meetings . <br /> I <br /> 4 . County staff will be responsible for project coordination tasks throughout the process , <br /> including : providing relevant reports , data , and documentation to the Clarion team , reviewing <br /> and providing a consolidated set of comments for staff review drafts of work products ; <br /> publicizing and arranging public meetings ; and scheduling/arranging workshops in <br /> coordination with any local partner organizations . <br /> 5 . The County and /or local partner organization will coordinate , arrange , advertise , and host all <br /> public meetings , community group presentations , workshops, and study sessions . The Clarion <br /> team will provide content and facilitate the meetings , workshops and events as noted in the <br /> Scope of Services . Stakeholder interviews will be scheduled by the Clarion team . In - person <br /> interviews will be conducted as part of the Phase 1 kickoff week and virtual interviews will be <br /> provided for those that cannot attend in - person . <br /> G; <br /> i <br /> 6 . Public engagement reporting will leverage the quantifiable functionality of the online public <br /> engagement software ' s dynamic reporting features . Efforts will be made to reduce open - <br /> ended questions that require extensive review and theming . Extensive open - ended comment <br /> r <br /> review and theming may require additional budget . <br /> 7 . The Clarion team will provide digital files of all documents and products to the County in the <br /> format in which they were created and , if different, in a format suitable for posting on the <br /> County website and for printing paper copies, such as Adobe PDF. <br /> ,, <br /> i <br /> 8 . County staff will provide a single, consolidated set of comments in electronic format for all <br /> staff review drafts of deliverables . All comments will be reviewed by County staff to resolve <br /> any inconsistencies and provide clear direction . If possible , changes will be provided using <br /> track- changes or similar digital comment format . Additional rounds of reviews will require <br /> additional resources , not including minor adjustments to finalize the deliverable . <br /> 9 . The Clarion team will review and theme work product comments provided by the Steering <br /> Committee and prepare a record of Steering Committee meeting outcomes to document <br /> project progress over time . The Clarion team will also prepare themes from public <br /> engagement inputs and create summaries of these themes . <br /> 10 . The project budget is an estimate of how project costs are allocated among phases of work . <br /> The Clarion team will not exceed the total contract amount without the express approval of i <br /> the County. <br /> 11 . Clarion will bill monthly for services rendered . The County' s project manager will review and <br /> approve Clarion Associate' s monthly invoices , which will include all work covered by the <br /> 16 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />