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DocuSign Envelope ID : 22DOBF22- BF984108-ADE4-6A61C59DB4DA <br /> This collaborative effort will focus on the critical planning linkage between land use and transportation , <br /> and will consider economic, resiliency, environmental , working lands, and equity issues that play a role in <br /> shaping the community. Land use areas will be defined by placemaking priorities envisioned for each <br /> unique area . Identification of new development standards needed or zoning changes required will be part <br /> of the discussion . A SWOC ( Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportunities, and Challenges ) analysis will be <br /> prepared for each of the 3 -4 land use alternatives, with a particular emphasis on how equity is impacted <br /> by land use alternatives and an evaluation of how well each alternative aligns with currently adopted <br /> policies identified in Task 2 . 1 . <br /> Task 4. ' : Development of Land s Development Recommendations Report <br /> The Clarion team will compile the results of Task 4 . 2 into a report format for review by the project <br /> Steering Committee , At Steering Committee meeting #8 , the Committee will discuss the findings of the <br /> report and be led through a facilitated full or small group discussion to identify the preferred aspects of <br /> each alternative to include in the public review draft of the plan . <br /> Task 4. Develop Play Policies and Actions <br /> The Clarion team will build off the previous tasks and develop a draft set of policies and implementation <br /> actions for each plan chapter. We anticipate that this will include the full range of comprehensive planning <br /> topics included in the RFP on pages 13 - 14 . The organization of the policies , strategies, and actions will <br /> follow the plan framework identified in Task 4 . 1 . The Clarion team will evaluate the equity implications of <br /> all policies and make recommendations to support vulnerable populations . Additional special policy <br /> considerations are discussed below. <br /> Task 4. ' 1 Resiliency and HazardMitigation Policies, Strategies, and ns <br /> Equinox will identify policies , strategies , and actions that will be effective in reducing community <br /> vulnerability to climate and non - climate related hazards . Strategies and actions related to land use are <br /> especially relevant . These will guide recommended infrastructure investments and design standards, <br /> community preparedness tactics , and emergency management and stormwater approaches . <br /> Depending on the projected growth patterns throughout the County, there is a need to build resilience <br /> into the growth strategy prior to new development occurring . Primary threats and types of considerations <br /> also vary throughout geographic areas of the County so these may need to be tailored for specific areas . <br /> As an example, the County may want to focus new affordable housing developments in areas that are less <br /> exposed to hazards ( such as flooding ) , while simultaneously locating in areas with other desirable <br /> characteristics ( such as access to transit and proximity to grocery stores ) . A series of policy statements and <br /> implementation strategies and actions will be developed and located within each appropriate plan <br /> chapter to reinforce these objectives . <br /> Task 4.4. 2 Transportation Policies,, Strategies, and Actions <br /> The Clarion team will develop transportation policies , strategies , and actions with a focus on the linkage <br /> between transportation , land use , and equity, all of which is key to planning an accessible multi - modal <br /> transportation network . Building from work in Task 3 . 2 . 5 and other tasks, the team will develop a set of <br /> transportation policies , strategies , and actions to integrate land use and transportation , and future <br /> community and economic development efforts . <br /> 11 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />