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i <br /> DocuSign Envelope ID : 22 DOB F22- BF98 4108-ADE4-6A61 C59DB4DA <br /> j' <br /> i <br /> to engage harder to reach community members . These meetings would be led by Tate Consulting . <br /> Steering Committee members can play a role as plan ambassadors at the workshop . <br /> There are many tested activities that our team can leverage for this milestone , These include asset C <br /> mapping, individual or small group discussions to respond to key policy direction questions, places to 4' <br /> protect and change mapping activity, ranking aspects of community planning, " Did You Know ? " trivia <br /> questions about the County, idea walls , and other fun activities . Activities would be developed to ensure <br /> that all learning from previous planning activities , namely the Strategic Plan , are considered and efforts I <br /> are not duplicated . <br /> i <br /> The Clarion team can provide advertising and publicity guidance to the County during this period to <br /> maximize responses and track respondents to make sure targeted community members are participating . <br /> This can include prepared social media content, a press release, and email content, as well as leveraging <br /> the equity database through targeted eblasts and mailings . The team can also prepare a " meeting- in - a - <br /> box" set of materials that would allow Steering Committee members , County leaders , and Staff to host or <br /> present the materials at smaller community meetings and engage residents using a decentralized C, <br /> approach . <br /> Once the engagement window has closed , the Clarion team will prepare a report on the results of the <br /> engagement window, including an assessment of how well community engagement objectives were <br /> achieved . This report will include a summary of responses and verbatim documentation to provide a clear <br /> i <br /> and transparent report of the inputs received . This will build trust in the process and serve as an <br /> important report for guiding development of the plan . <br /> i= <br /> Task 2 . m Summary of New Issues n unities <br /> The Clarion team will prepare a succinct summary of new issues and opportunities based on vision and <br /> policy themes generated from stakeholder interviews, Steering Committee discussions , and inputs <br /> received through public engagement . This document will serve as the foundation for policy discussions <br /> with County Staff, the Steering Committee , the Planning Board , and the BOCC that will guide development j <br /> of the new CLUP. First a County Staff review draft will be prepared and then a Steering Committee review <br /> draft . Following these reviews , the Clarion team will finalize the document for sharing with the Planning <br /> Board , Board of County Commissioners , and posting to the project website . <br /> i° <br /> TaskBriefings to PlanningBoard n oar f County Commissioners <br /> A briefing presentation will be prepared to share with the Planning Board and Board of County <br /> Commissioners that summarizes the engagement efforts, analysis , and summary of new issues and <br /> opportunities completed through Phases 1 and 2 . Key findings from Phase 3 work, that is occurring <br /> concurrently with Phase 2 , will also be presented at this briefing . The Clarion team will coordinate with <br /> County Staff to present these briefings at regularly scheduled meetings of the boards . The purpose of <br /> these presentations is to brief the boards on the project status and findings and engage members in <br /> discussion about the direction of the plan . <br /> i <br /> 6 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />