Orange County NC Website
1 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />Atachment A: Deliverable and Fee Schedule <br />The Provider consultant team will be led by Clarion Associates and will include subconsultants Equinox, <br />Tate Consul�ng, and a license with the Konveio public engagement pla�orm. The Orange County <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan will be developed using a five phase process that incorporates the specific <br />services incorporated in the Comprehensive Plan RFP. <br /> <br />Phase 1: Launch Project <br />Phase 2: Iden�fy New Issues & Opportuni�es <br />Phase 3: Evaluate Planning Influences <br />Phase 4: Develop the Plan <br />Phase 5: Adopt the Plan <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />PHASE 1: LAUNCH PROJECT <br />In Phase 1, Clarion will gather informa�on, establish the working rela�onship between the consultant <br />team and County staff (i.e., the “Project Team”), and engage the County’s leaders, stakeholders, and <br />Steering Commitee during the project kickoff week. The culmina�on of this phase is a summary of issues <br />and opportuni�es for the new plan to address. <br /> <br />Cri�cal tasks will include development of the Project Management Plan, a Staff-Consultant Project Team <br />kickoff mee�ng; collec�on and review of relevant data, plans, and studies; a kickoff mee�ng with the <br />Steering Commitee to confirm the objec�ves for the project and discuss the big opportuni�es and issues <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 22D0BF22-BF98-4108-ADE4-6A61C59DB4DA