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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> November 16, 2022 <br /> well as a general slowdown of construction compared to last year. Nonetheless, <br /> Expenses are in line with revenues at 18% of the overall budget. <br /> • Dental Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> The FY 22-23 average monthly revenue ($31 k/month) for the first quarter is below our <br /> budget projection ($49k/month) and our FY 21-22 average of$43k/month. This decrease <br /> in revenue is primarily related to staff vacancies. We currently have three dental <br /> hygienist positions that have been vacant for almost a year. Additionally, there is one <br /> less dentist this year compared to last year. The MDC is still operating two days each <br /> week and is hoping to add a third day when a third dentist is hired. FY 22-23 dental <br /> earned revenue totaled $93k at the end of the first quarter compared $148k at the end of <br /> the FY 21-22 first quarter. <br /> • Medical Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Medical earned revenue is currently below the budgeted projection for FY 22-23 <br /> ($41 k/month) at $33k/month due to a reduced clinic schedule. During Q1, the clinic team <br /> had several new staff onboarding and changing duties due to various vacancies. Medical <br /> clinic revenue totals $98k for first quarter FY 22-23 compared to $119k in first quarter FY <br /> 21-22. <br /> • Environmental Health Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Environmental Health earned revenue is below the budgeted projection for FY 22-23 <br /> ($60k/month) at $48k/month. Notably, construction has slowed down in the building <br /> world and some builders are seeking private options for inspections due to <br /> Environmental Health staffing shortages across the Triangle. The fee schedule changes <br /> made this fiscal year (which reduced the prices of permits for all new wells and smaller <br /> homes) has not had a negative impact on revenue; in fact, the changes created a 4% <br /> increase while engaging actively in equity. Lastly, Environmental Health Environmental <br /> Health revenue totals $143k for first quarter FY 22-23 compared to $171 k in first quarter <br /> FY 21-22. <br /> • Multi-Year Grants Fund Revenue: <br /> NC Integrated Care for Kids (NCInCK) is currently Health's only multi-year grant. We <br /> have been awarded approximately $55k for NCInCK. The grant funds will be used <br /> towards staff personnel costs to implement the InCK model in Orange County. Quarter 1 <br /> expenditures total $10k and, as of reporting time, no revenue has been reimbursed. <br /> There were no questions or comments asked by the BOH members. <br /> VII. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> A. Media Items <br /> Marcy Williams, Public Health Education Manager, briefly mentioned two articles. There was an <br /> article regarding lead in UNC's facilities. The other article mentioned the Town of Chapel Hill's <br /> safety measures in preparation for Halloween. <br /> Media items were in the packet, which focused on Orange County's events and our <br /> involvement in various efforts. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda&Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> November Page 6 <br />