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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> November 16, 2022 <br /> o The BOH and Environmental Health reviewed the Gaines Chapel <br /> Study to assess the need/desire for connections to public sewer. <br /> o "Preventing Underage & High-Risk Drinking", a community <br /> conversation, was hosted in December 2021. <br /> • Next Steps include working with: <br /> ➢ Staff to finalize performance measures for each division; <br /> ➢ BOH during 2023 retreat to finalize goals/strategies and desired outcomes for <br /> identified priority areas; and <br /> ➢ Healthy Carolinians Coordinator on 2023 CHA and Community Health <br /> Improvement Plans. <br /> There were no questions or comments asked by the BOH members. <br /> D. Accreditation <br /> Health Director, Quintana Stewart, provided an overview of the NC Local Health Department <br /> (LHD)Accreditation. Handouts of the presentation were given to Board members. In the <br /> interest of time, Ms. Stewart briefly presented on the Accreditation process. Below are some <br /> highlights. <br /> • OCHD received initial Accreditation in 2008. <br /> • Due to COVID-19, the Accreditation cycle will cover six, not four, years. <br /> • Re-Accreditation Timeline <br /> ➢ Official notification (90-day notice) occurred August 1, 2022. <br /> ➢ HDSAI (self-assessment) and other materials were due November 1, 2022. <br /> ➢ OCHD Re-Accreditation Site Visit will occur on January 12, 2023. <br /> o Options of a fully in-person or partially remote Site Visit were offered. OCHD <br /> chose the partially remote option, which will include a Site Visit Coordinator and <br /> Lead Site Visitor onsite with the remaining Site Visitors, participating via Zoom. <br /> • Ms. Stewart briefly covered what occurs at the entrance conference and during the <br /> facility tours. <br /> • Ms. Stewart also reminded the Board that two of them would be interviewed. Current <br /> Chair and Vice-Chair, Dr. Bruce Baldwin and Keith Bagby, respectively, will be <br /> participating. <br /> • Lastly, Ms. Stewart discussed the activity that occurs at the exit conference. She also <br /> explained that an independent board makes the final decision. <br /> Ms. Stewart and Ms. Hudson answered the questions and comments asked by the BOH <br /> members. <br /> E. 1st Quarter Financial Reports & Billing Dashboard <br /> Micah Guindon, Finance and Administrative Services Director, gave a report on the 1 st quarter <br /> revenue and billing accuracy. Her report is as follows: <br /> • Total Health Department Budget vs. Actuals: <br /> Average YTD monthly revenue in FY22-23 after the first quarter is $251 k/month or <br /> $752,435 YTD, representing 17% of our overall budgeted revenue for the year. <br /> Revenues are lower than this point last fiscal year (FY 21-22 1st Quarter YTD: $765k) <br /> due to the medical and dental clinics seeing fewer patients than this time last year as <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda&Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> November Page 5 <br />