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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> November 16, 2022 <br /> • Of the two options, Option A, High-Impact Opioid Abatement Strategies, was chosen by <br /> the BOCC for the use of the settlement funds as the BOCC wanted to get the resources <br /> out to the community sooner rather than later. They also wanted to compliment and <br /> expand some of the existing work already taking place in the community. <br /> • The BOCC appointed members to the OAC during its November 1, 2022 meeting. <br /> There is representation from many of the stakeholders listed in the MOA, a <br /> representative from the Aging Department and "flex" positions for two OC residents with <br /> lived experiences. <br /> The BOH members had questions and comments that were addressed by Ms. Stewart. <br /> C. Strategic Planning Update <br /> Health Director, Quintana Stewart, provided the Board with an update on the Strategic Planning <br /> and its progress. Below are highlights. <br /> • Background <br /> ➢ In December 2019, the OCHD Leadership Team met to begin the Strategic <br /> Planning process. The following were completed. <br /> o Developed a draft mission statement; <br /> o Reviewed and updated departmental values; and <br /> o Performed a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) <br /> Analysis <br /> ➢ COVID-19 interrupted the next steps, which were to obtain feedback from staff. <br /> The Strategic Planning process restarted in August 2022. Division staff <br /> meetings, multiple surveys and focus groups were conducted to gain additional <br /> information from staff. <br /> • Ms. Stewart reviewed the proposed changes to the OCHD Mission Statement and <br /> Values. <br /> • The Leadership SWOT 2019 and Department SWOT 2022 analyses were discussed. <br /> • Strategic Plan <br /> ➢ In order to be in alignment with the Community Health Assessment (CHA), the <br /> Strategic Plan timeframe will be 2020-2024. <br /> ➢ Results Based Accountability (RBA) framework is being used in the Strategic <br /> Planning process. Three questions will be asked to measure performance. <br /> o How much did we do? <br /> o How well did we do? <br /> o Is anyone better off? <br /> ➢ BOH Strategic Plan Priorities 2020-2022 <br /> o After discussing the 2019 CHA results at the May 27, 2020 BOH meeting, <br /> the Board voted on the following priority areas: 1) Access to Healthcare, <br /> 2) Social Justice/Health Equity, and 3) Substance Abuse. <br /> o Subcommittees were created to support the new priorities; however, <br /> increased COVID response activities and staff turnover limited the <br /> meeting frequency. <br /> o Accomplishments of the BOH Strategic Plan Priorities 2020-2022 were <br /> reviewed and included: <br /> o In 2021, the Family Success Alliance (FSA) officially opened up <br /> program participation to the entire county, increasing the program <br /> reach from the original two zones. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda&Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> November Page 4 <br />