Agenda 05-16-2023; 8-f - Amendments to the Orange County Arts Commission Advisory Board Policies and Procedures
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-16-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda 05-16-2023; 8-f - Amendments to the Orange County Arts Commission Advisory Board Policies and Procedures
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Last modified
5/11/2023 4:02:52 PM
Creation date
5/11/2023 4:08:31 PM
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Agenda for May 16, 2023 BOCC Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 05-16-2023 Business Meeting
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3 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY ARTS COMMISSION BOARD POLICIES AND PROCEDURES <br /> SECTION I: SCOPE <br /> A. Purpose <br /> 1. To establish a policy and procedures whereby the Orange County Board of Commissioners will <br /> establish the specific policies and procedures governing the Orange County Arts Commission Board. <br /> 2. The Orange County Board of Commissioners may appoint an advisory board whose duty is to serve <br /> in an advisory capacity to the Orange County Arts Commission Board. <br /> B. Authority <br /> 1. North Carolina General Statute 153A-76 grants boards of county commissioners the authority to <br /> establish advisory boards. <br /> 2. The Orange County Advisory Board Policy serves as the underlying policy document to which the <br /> Orange County Arts Commission Board, in addition to this policy and procedure document, is <br /> subject. The Orange County Advisory Board Policy is attached hereto as "Exhibit A". <br /> 3. In the event that there is a conflict between the Orange County Advisory Board Policy and this <br /> Policies and Procedures document this Policies and Procedures document shall control. <br /> C. Charge <br /> 1. The charge of the Orange County Arts Commission Board is as follows: <br /> The purpose for which the Orange County Arts Commission Board was formed in 1985 is to serve as <br /> the official countywide advisory body on the arts, which will promote, coordinate and strengthen <br /> private and public programs to further the cultural development of the County. <br /> SECTION II: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br /> A. Goals <br /> 1. The Orange County Arts Commission Board shall: <br /> a. Advise the Board of Commissioners on matters involving the arts; <br /> b. Upon nomination of the Board of Commissioners and approval of the North Carolina Arts <br /> Council the Orange County Arts Commission shall be the Designated County Partner(DCP) of the <br /> annual allotment of Grassroots Arts Program funds. As the DCP it shall have the goal of assuring <br /> that the County's annual Grassroots funding allotment is broadly and fairly distributed to serve <br /> as effectively as possible the arts needs of the citizens of Orange County; <br /> c. Encourage and aid the appreciation and awareness of, and participation in, the arts among all <br /> citizens of Orange County; <br /> d. Encourage cooperation and coordination among individuals, organizations and institutions <br /> concerned with the arts in the County of Orange; <br /> e. Facilitate the development of self-sustaining arts programs; <br /> f. Accept gifts or donations pertaining to cultural or artistic matters that may be used to promote, <br /> aid and expand the cultural resources of the County. <br /> B. Objectives <br /> 1. The Orange County Arts Commission Board shall: <br /> a. Initiate, sponsor, conduct or support, alone or in cooperation with other public or private <br /> agencies, programs in the arts; <br /> b. Serve as a clearinghouse for information about Orange County artists, arts programs, facilities, <br /> organizations and institutions and to encourage public awareness, utilization and support of <br /> such resources; <br /> c. Administer the Grassroots Program and County funds which shall include the responsibility to <br /> familiarize those interested in the arts with the guidelines necessary for funding, advertise for <br /> applications at the start of each grant cycle, review requests, award grants based on applicant's <br /> ability to meet the necessary guidelines and conditions and being able to arrange matching <br /> funds, mail award letters and checks, and secure proper documentation of expenditures for <br /> inclusion in the County's annual audit. <br />
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