Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 1 childcare openings not evenly distributed in the county. She said that it is a bigger issue than <br /> 2 transportation. She said she attended the HBA housing summit in the previous week. She said <br /> 3 the principal speaker was from the Strong Towns organization. She said the speaker described <br /> 4 innovative and creative ways for thinking about development and neighborhoods. She said that <br /> 5 April is re-entry month and there will be activities going on throughout the month. She said that <br /> 6 earlier in the day she went to the opening of the Hillsborough site for Boomerang youth <br /> 7 organization. She said that it is a great addition and alternative for young people. She said there <br /> 8 will be a free summer program for children. <br /> 9 Vice-Chair McKee thanked everyone who took time to attend the business meeting. <br /> 10 Commissioner Hamilton said she attended the school safety committee meeting on March <br /> 11 231d. She said the group is making steady progress for making the schools safer for students, <br /> 12 teachers, and staff. <br /> 13 Commissioner Portie-Ascott said that she was continuing to meet with departments as <br /> 14 she learned about the county. She has met with Asset Management Services; Aging; Economic <br /> 15 Development and took a tour of Economic Development zones; the Department of Environment, <br /> 16 Agriculture, Arts, and Parks and Recreation; and Cooperative Extension. She said she also <br /> 17 attended ribbon-cutting for Boomerang. She said she was not aware that they had an afterschool <br /> 18 program for any youth that wanted to attend. She said they have a goal for getting a 15-passenger <br /> 19 van. She said some youth want to attend but cannot due to transportation issues. <br /> 20 Commissioner Fowler said that April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month. She <br /> 21 encouraged people to attend an event at the Chapel Hill Public Library on April 151h at 1 pm <br /> 22 sponsored by the Town of Chapel Hill, B3 Coffee, and the Autism Society of North Carolina — <br /> 23 Orange/Chatham Chapter. She said the event is called Autistic Children Grow Up and will feature <br /> 24 a film titled Deej and panel discussion afterwards on autism and adulthood. She said it is a great <br /> 25 event for learning how to be more inclusive. She said on March 24th she attended the IDEAL <br /> 26 Communities Action Team held at the Alliance office in Morrisville. She said IDEAL stands for <br /> 27 inclusive, diverse, engaging, affordable, and lifelong. She said the initiative was started by HOPE <br /> 28 (Housing Options for People with Exceptionalities), whose mission is to create inclusive <br /> 29 communities where people of all abilities and ages experience a sense of belonging. She said <br /> 30 their goal is for such a community to be mutually beneficial to all residents by increasing housing <br /> 31 stability and affordability, enhance social connections, and reduce isolation. She said the goal is <br /> 32 for approximately 25% of units to be set aside for adults with developmental disabilities, with the <br /> 33 other units being occupied by older adults, single adults, and families. She said that, ideally, it <br /> 34 would be walkable, close to transportation, economic opportunities, health care, etc. She said <br /> 35 the next meeting is Friday, June 2nd <br /> 36 Chair Bedford said she attended a joint meeting with CAMPO (Capital Area Metropolitan <br /> 37 Planning Organization) and the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro MPO (Metropolitan Planning <br /> 38 Organization). She said there was discussion about commuter rail and updates with TIP process. <br /> 39 She said that there is an opportunity with Triangle J Council of Governments called Connect <br /> 40 Region, which encourages communities in the Triangle area as a broader community and to <br /> 41 consider regionality. She said that Triangle J is hoping to get $1.5 million to develop a plan of a <br /> 42 regional vision and a strategy document that focuses on land use, housing, transportation, <br /> 43 water/sewer, equity, public safety, and other issues. She said the plan would have goals, <br /> 44 strategies, targets, and a connected region (voluntary) compact, with a commitment to refresh the <br /> 45 plan every 5 years. She said that the group was supportive. She said that Granville County <br /> 46 wanted to be remembered in the plan since they are affected by increased growth. She said that <br /> 47 it would be good to consider some of the softer planning items, such as homelessness, hunger, <br /> 48 aging services, mental health - the actual systems in the state that are failing residents. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 <br /> 51 <br />