Agenda 05-16-2023; 6-b - Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Clarion Associates to Develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and Approval of Budget Amendment #9-A
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-16-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda 05-16-2023; 6-b - Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Clarion Associates to Develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and Approval of Budget Amendment #9-A
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Last modified
5/11/2023 3:59:33 PM
Creation date
5/11/2023 4:08:23 PM
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Agenda Item
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Agenda for May 16, 2023 BOCC Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 05-16-2023 Business Meeting
Minutes-04-04-2023-Business Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2020's\2023
Minutes-05-16-2023-Business Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2020's\2023
ORD-2023-023-Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Clarion Associates to Develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and Approval of Budget Amendment #9-A
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2023
OTHER-2023-031-Approval of a professional services contract with Clarion associates to develop a comprehensive land use plan and approval of budget amendment 9-A
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2023
OTHER-2023-032-Deed of Trust Supplement #1
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2023
OTHER-2023-033-First Supplemental Trust Agreement
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2023
PRO-2023-008-Proclamation recognizing the success and accomplishments of Orange County High School robotics teams
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2020-2029\2023
PRO-2023-009-EMS Week Proclamation
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2020-2029\2023
RES-2023-038-Resolution honoring Chief deputy Jamison R Sykes for 28 years of law enforcement service and awaeding him his badge and sidearm
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2023
RES-2023-039-Adoption to the final resolution authorizing 2023 installment financing for various capital investment plan project for up to 14,500,000
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2023
RES-2023-040-Resolution in Support of Safe and Legal Reproductive Healthcare
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2023
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3 <br /> Key Principles and Components of the CLUP Project <br /> The Plan will be grounded in the principles of social equity, and synthesize and build upon <br /> previous outreach efforts and relevant aspects of recent County initiatives in the areas of transit, <br /> housing, climate, and strategic planning. The following key principles and components have <br /> informed the scope of services: <br /> • Public Engagement: A synthesis of information obtained through other recently completed <br /> County public outreach efforts, most specifically the Countywide Strategic Plan. That Plan's <br /> land use survey questions will be used to help inform Orange County's future land use <br /> goals. A project website will be used as a mechanism to keep the public informed during <br /> the process, which will include a series of outreach waves (See the "Summary of Project <br /> Scope and Approach" for additional information about outreach). <br /> • Social Equity: The Plan will approach components through a social equity lens, consistent <br /> with the One Orange County Racial Equity Plan. The lens will be specific to the needs, <br /> communities, and populations of Orange County, with focused efforts made to engage <br /> historically underserved or disenfranchised communities, and communities of color. <br /> • Graphics, Length, and User Friendly: The Plan will be of a length that is conducive to user- <br /> friendliness and written for the general public. Easy to read and informative charts, graphs, <br /> and maps will be used throughout the Plan. Visualization techniques that graphically and <br /> accurately depict pertinent information will be provided for each component of the Plan. <br /> • Identification of Potential Partnerships and Regionalism: Identification of partnerships, <br /> including other County departments, that may be leveraged more efficiently and effectively <br /> to help implement the Plan. As a County that does not own/operate/maintain a public water <br /> or sewer utility, partnerships with utility providers (municipal, water/sewer authority, and <br /> non-profit) will need to be identified through the planning process to achieve shared goals <br /> in the areas of social equity, housing affordability, and transit supportive development. <br /> • Plan Recommendations: To include land use policies, future Small Area Plan needs, and <br /> proposed Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) amendments that reflect a future land <br /> use vision balancing stated interests obtained through the planning process; identification <br /> of shared County and municipal goals (e.g. housing affordability); identification of land use <br /> goals and objectives that are shared with other adopted County plans; and an <br /> implementation strategy. <br /> Summary of Project Scope and Approach <br /> The project schedule spans a little over two years from kick-off to Plan adoption and includes the <br /> following phases: <br /> Phase 1: Launch Project <br /> Phase 2: Identify New Issues and Opportunities (1St Outreach Window) <br /> Phase 3: Evaluate Planning Influences <br /> Phase 4: Develop the Plan (2nd and 3rd Outreach Windows) <br /> Phase 5: Adopt the Plan (Public Hearing) <br /> Public Outreach: A cumulative approach to public outreach will be utilized consisting of three- <br /> waves: <br />
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