Agenda 05-16-2023; 6-b - Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Clarion Associates to Develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and Approval of Budget Amendment #9-A
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-16-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda 05-16-2023; 6-b - Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Clarion Associates to Develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and Approval of Budget Amendment #9-A
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Last modified
5/11/2023 3:59:33 PM
Creation date
5/11/2023 4:08:23 PM
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Agenda for May 16, 2023 BOCC Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 05-16-2023 Business Meeting
Minutes-04-04-2023-Business Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2020's\2023
Minutes-05-16-2023-Business Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2020's\2023
ORD-2023-023-Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Clarion Associates to Develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and Approval of Budget Amendment #9-A
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2023
OTHER-2023-031-Approval of a professional services contract with Clarion associates to develop a comprehensive land use plan and approval of budget amendment 9-A
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2023
OTHER-2023-032-Deed of Trust Supplement #1
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2023
OTHER-2023-033-First Supplemental Trust Agreement
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2023
PRO-2023-008-Proclamation recognizing the success and accomplishments of Orange County High School robotics teams
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2020-2029\2023
PRO-2023-009-EMS Week Proclamation
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2020-2029\2023
RES-2023-038-Resolution honoring Chief deputy Jamison R Sykes for 28 years of law enforcement service and awaeding him his badge and sidearm
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2023
RES-2023-039-Adoption to the final resolution authorizing 2023 installment financing for various capital investment plan project for up to 14,500,000
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2023
RES-2023-040-Resolution in Support of Safe and Legal Reproductive Healthcare
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2023
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15 <br /> The purpose of the interviews is to prepare an early diagnosis of critical planning issues and opportunities <br /> that will help guide plan development.Team members will meet individually with stakeholder groups to <br /> provide maximum availability to meet interviewees and use a combination of in-person and virtual <br /> meetings. Interview notes will be prepared, and a summary of interview themes will be prepared and <br /> shared with the County's project management team. <br /> Task 1.4: Reconnaissance Trip with County Staff Team <br /> The Clarion team will tour the County's planning area. Prior to the tour, the Clarion team will work with <br /> the County's project management team to identify critical areas to view in person and prioritize those <br /> locations where change is expected, growth pressures exist, or areas that have strong support for <br /> preservation.The Clarion team will take photographs of critical locations and begin to create a profile of <br /> the patterns and growth trends in Orange County, specifically as it has changed since the last plan update. <br /> Task 1.5: Develop Project Management Plan <br /> Following the project kickoff week,the Clarion team will prepare a cloud-based tool available to all project <br /> team members that will document all project management details. This tool will document the agreed <br /> upon details of the project schedule, meeting schedule and location of project meeting summaries, <br /> approach for project team communications, public engagement tracking and coordination, approach for <br /> monthly management responsibilities, roles and responsibilities of all engaged parties, and process for <br /> decision-making during the planning process.This includes scheduling, hosting, and preparing agendas for <br /> monthly project management meetings with the County's project managers to provide status updates and <br /> coordinate on preparation of upcoming deliverables and events.This online document will serve as a <br /> project management working guide and will be updated throughout the process. <br /> Task 1.6: Collect and Inventory ArcGIS Data, Policy Documents, and Relevant Studies <br /> The Clarion team will partner with Orange County staff in the development of GIS analyses and maps. <br /> First, Clarion will prepare a data request memorandum for all basic ArcGIS mapping data, plans, reports, <br /> and studies (not available online)for the County staff to collect and share with the Clarion team. Orange <br /> County will collect, organize, classify, and upload GIS layers and documents requested via a geodatabase <br /> to a secure data sharing site provided by the Clarion team.Then Clarion team will then prepare a map <br /> template and basemap that can be used by both the County and Clarion team throughout the project. <br /> Task 1.7: Develop Public Engagement Branding <br /> The Clarion team will work with Orange County Staff to develop project branding materials and a project <br /> website.The public engagement branding strategy will include the following: <br /> • Project Identity-The Clarion team, in coordination with County Staff, will develop a project <br /> identity and brand (name, logo and tagline)that will generate interest in the planning process. <br /> Inputs from the County's leadership and the Steering Committee on the project identity will be <br /> requested during the kickoff meetings. <br /> • Engagement Objectives—Building off the inputs provided by the Steering Committee at their <br /> kickoff meeting (Task 1.2),the Clarion team will prepare a set of public engagement objectives <br /> that can be placed on the project website and used to evaluate public engagement outcomes <br /> during the process. Public engagement objectives could include community representation of <br /> 3 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />
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