Orange County NC Website
78 <br /> Orange County <br /> HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br /> Approved Meeting Summary <br /> November 2"d, 2022 <br /> Bonnie Davis Center, 1020 US 70 West, Hillsborough <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Loter, Cecelia Moore, Paul Noe, Steve Peck <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: None <br /> STAFF PRESENT: Peter Sandbeck GUESTS: Todd Dickinson, Art Menius <br /> ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm. <br /> ITEM #2: CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br /> None. <br /> ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES for August 24, 2022: <br /> Loter moved to approve the minutes; seconded by Peck; it was noted that there was a <br /> misspelling in item 4; motion approved with correction. <br /> ITEM #4: TEMS FOR DECISION: <br /> a. Motion to proceed to propose four new properties to the BOCC for Landmark <br /> Designation; Staff provided a brief overview presentation to highlight the four landmarks <br /> now ready to move forward to the BOCC for designation, pending the completion of the <br /> mandatory review of our applications and reports by the State Historic Preservation Office <br /> as dictated by our ordinance. These properties are: Harvey's Chapel AME Church/site of <br /> former church and cemetery; Eno Quaker Burying Ground; the David Faucette House; <br /> and the Davis Cotton Gin and Barn. The goal is to get these ready to be scheduled for the <br /> BOCC joint public hearing in April or May of this coming year. This process involves <br /> holding a joint public hearing with the BOCC to hear any possible public comment. The <br /> actual landmark designation ordinances will be considered and adopted by the BOCC at <br /> the next meeting following the public hearing. Staff will notify members once we get a <br /> better idea of the schedule for this. Loter moved that: <br /> 1} the HPC finds that all four properties possess special historical, architectural, and <br /> cultural significance, and also possess integrity of design, setting, workmanship, <br /> materials, feeling, and/or association as required to be eligible for landmark <br /> designation; and <br /> 2}, the HPC directs staff to present all four properties to the BOCC for the public <br /> hearing and subsequent landmark designation, pending state approval of the <br /> applications and reports. <br /> Motion seconded by Peck; motion approved. <br /> ITEM #5: DISCUSSION ITEMS <br /> a. Date for December meeting Staff proposed a possible meeting date of Dec. 14th, as is <br /> usual for the HPC to avoid trying to hold a meeting too close to the Christmas holiday. <br /> This was acceptable to all present. <br /> 1 <br />