Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> Cdna C. Scurlock. <br /> 1004 Lipscomb Grove Ch.Rd. <br /> Ilillsborm:gh.NC 27278 <br /> Y14/02 <br /> EXTERIOR: <br /> L Coverall door and window frames with while coil stock. <br /> 2. rnstall a new vinyl outside come. The location is the front <br /> left comer. <br /> 3. Remove the coil stock and J channel fiem the left side of house. <br /> 4, Leash new while Coil stock and f channel on the led side of house. <br /> 5. Install continuous alwninum gutters and downspoute hutall <br /> splash blocks under each downspout. <br /> 6. Iretall an aluminum storm door with pneumatic closure and vinyl <br /> swoop.lomail one on to side porch,and on the front door. <br /> 7, finstall a pressure located handrail with pickets around the front <br /> porch, and on both sides ale front steps. <br /> 8. Ireatill one foundation vent,and black up the hale in the foundation. <br /> 9, rnstall new pressure treated steps at the side door. <br /> 10. Nstall a shingle type ridge veml on the roof. <br /> WINDOWS: <br /> 1. heard vinyl insulated replacement windows wish V,screen and one. <br /> MECI ICA : <br /> 1. lintall a postpone Sea pack heaVair sWWm with insulated duetwone. <br /> Make all necessary electric and mechanical connectives. <br /> 2. Remove ail bemer in the living room. <br />