Orange County NC Website
QUOTE /CONTRACT <br />TO: <br />Da t e:4 -20 -23 <br />A t t n :Paul <br />Job Si t e:Orange Coun t y Sher i f f <br />CPES hereinaf t er called Company,and t he above named hereinaf t er refer red to as Cus tomer,do hereby enter int o t his cont ract in accordance wi t h the t erms and <br />st ipula t ions as follows:The cust omer agrees t o clear al l proper t y lines for cons t ruc t ion of fence and proper ly mark wi t h s t akes or o therwise,unless so st ipulat ed <br />in wr i t ing on t his agreement . <br />Furnish and install one 1 HP Slide Gate Operator.Install updated safety devices and replace broken roller truck <br />assembly.Mount decorative black metal plate to hide chain from outside view. <br />Total Installation Cost -$5700. <br />Replace 2 hydraulic roller motor wheels and roller track. <br />Total Installation Cost -$3170. <br />All 110 VAC t o be p rovided by o t hers.Ins t al la t ion includes 1-year wa r r an t y.Quote includes al l t axes and shipping cos t s. <br />Please con t ac t me i f you have any ques t ions. <br />Terms:Ne t 30 <br />I,(We)t he Cust omer,promise t o pay t he Company t he balance as shown above.A finance charge is added t o accoun t s 10 days or more past due compu ted at a <br />periodic ra t e of 1.5%per mon t h or any por t ion t hereof ,which is an annual percent age ra te 18%. <br />The Cus t omer agrees to pay cour t cos t and reasonable a t torney’s f ee in t he even t set t lemen t of t his account involves legal ac t ion.This order const i t ut es the <br />ent i r e agreemen t bet ween Cust omer and Company and the Company assumes no responsibili ty for any oral agreemen t s bet ween Es t ima tor and Cust omer . <br />CPES hereby ret ains ownership in all fence mat er ials used in this ins tal lat ion un t i l paymen t is received in full. <br />NOTE:Should property line designation run through an area where underground utilities are in place,the fence line will have to be adjusted to accommodate <br />the restrictions regarding digging near underground utility cables or lines. <br />Accep t ed:     Es t ima t or :Came ron Mi ller <br />Accep t ed:     Accep t ed: <br />Manager –CPES <br />PLEASE REVIEW FOR ACCURACY,SIGN AND RETURN ORIGINAL COPY <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: EB28C416-55B6-46C9-9A90-413EEAC927EB