Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA GOVERNMENT <br /> APPLICATION FOR FUNDING <br /> GUIDANCE FOR EM FORM 66 <br /> 3A ALL OTHER: Administrative Expessices Category <br /> All other allo snble expenses are dense which:ue required for the day-to-day operations of the emergency <br /> management vincL. <br /> RENT(Buildioz or Stwad <br /> ALLOWABLE <br /> • Rent of building or space occupied by emergency management personnel <br /> UNALLOWABLE <br /> • Rent for buildings or space which was constructed in part or <br /> wholly,with Federal Innis. <br /> • Rent for space occupied by employers assipncd from other Stale or local governments <br /> (mlltime Or part-tome). <br /> RENTAL (Motor Vehicles) <br /> • Rom for Unipoeary Possession or nor of rubber vehicles mil¢ed SOLELY on the <br /> Administration of Emergency Management <br /> Pretreat. <br /> • Vadeles must be noted from an established firm nEddly <br /> umud in the business of renting.Payments must he in acwrdmce with the terms of a <br /> wdtwn cements. <br /> UNALLOWABLE <br /> • EXPEMI)MRES FOR TIM FURCHASE OF VEHICLES. <br /> 3 <br />