Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> Slide #8 <br /> QUESTIONS? <br /> ORANGE COUWi i <br /> NO [CA3 LIN.S <br /> Commissioner Greene said this is the second year the Manager is recommending the <br /> county absorb the increased cost of health insurance. She asked how the reserves work and how <br /> confident they can be in how long that can go on. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said as the pool grows, that will help sustain the funds. She said that <br /> last year there were two very high claim costs that could have hurt the renewal. She said one of <br /> the reasons the county joined the pool in the first place is that you can look at the plan over the <br /> years and that between 2018-2023 there has only been at 10% increase, while other <br /> municipalities and counties have seen double digit increases each year. She said the target for <br /> reserves is 1.5-2 million and they are at $1.1 million right now. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, to <br /> approve an increase of 5% to the Health Insurance Premium Equivalents for both active and pre- <br /> 65 retirees and the amount of the increase to be fully paid by the County; approve an increase of <br /> Health Insurance funding of$659,108; approve the County's continued participation as a member <br /> in the North Carolina Health Insurance Pool (NCHIP); approve continuation with Delta Dental with <br /> no increase in rates or funding; and approve the County implementing UNUM Behavioral Health <br /> as a benefit to all employees at a cost of$89,000. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Reports <br /> a. Child Welfare Updates and Planning <br /> The Board received an update on child welfare services provided by the Department of Social <br /> Services (DSS) including current system challenges and plans for the future. <br /> BACKGROUND: North Carolina's child welfare program is county administered and state <br /> supervised. Child welfare services, including child protective services, foster care and adoption, <br /> are legally mandated to be provided by departments of social services in all North Carolina <br /> counties. Counties are responsible for staff and management of the program while the state <br /> supervises the counties based on state law and policy. The rules, policies and procedures are <br /> predominantly established by federal and state legislation and by the North Carolina Department <br /> of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Most of the costs for staff and for services to these <br /> children and families are paid through federal and county dollars. <br />