Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> Dr. Ashton Powell discussed the district-wide plan for prioritizing social emotional and <br /> physical wellness. He said that thanks to the Board, they have been able to place mental health <br /> staff in all levels of schools in the district. <br /> Slide #35 <br /> Current SEL/Mental Health Supports By School <br /> 1 1 .5 .5 1 <br /> 1 3 .5 .5 1 <br /> 2" 5" 1 .5 1 <br /> :nd PA16)have f-FIB <br /> ao THINK(AND ACT) <br /> Slide #36 <br /> Instructional Excellence: <br /> Preparing Students for Life <br /> Goal 1:CHCCS students will be provided access <br /> to challenging,diverse and culturally relevant, <br /> standards-aligned curriculum which is <br /> student-centered and will propel their <br /> educational growth and achievement. <br /> Goal 2:CHCCS will prioritize opportunities to <br /> elevate student voice and access to <br /> meaningful,authentic instruction while <br /> empowering students to advocate for their own <br /> learning. <br /> Goal 3:CHCCS will ensure flexibility in available <br /> learning opportunities and that choice programs <br /> are accessible for all students. <br /> Cticpal HiLmOao ON Sctgok I U,___. <br /> Rani Dasi said they have just conducted a curriculum audit and this will help them <br /> understand how to help students learn and grow. <br /> George Griffin discussed the currifculem audit and said that it consists for an outsdie group <br /> of educators and they have spent time in the schools for months and conducted observations and <br /> interviews. He said they will be presenting the results of the audit. He said as a professional, and <br /> having talked to the staff, he does not think anyone will be surprised but they will be affirmed. He <br /> said that it will be a roadmap for the next 5-10 years in teaching and learning and they are excited <br /> about that. <br />