Orange County NC Website
O R A N G E C O U N T Y A R T S C O M M I S S I O N <br />Eno River Mill | 437 Dimmocks Mill Road, Suite 17 | Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />919.245.2129 | | <br />Name of Organization: Organization website: <br />Street Address: Mailing Address (if different): <br />Authorizing Official Name: Title: <br />Authorizing Official Phone: Email: <br />Name of event or program: <br />Date(s) of event or program: <br />Approximate number of attendees expected: <br />Briefly explain the purpose of this event or program: <br />Amount of grant: <br />This grant may only be used to support BIPOC artists providing services to the event or program. Artists must not be an <br />employee, board member, or other authorizing official of the host organization. <br />Please provide a list of artists who will be paid with this grant: <br />NAME RACE CITY/TOWN OF RESIDENCE AMOUNT PAID <br />I, , agree to the following conditions of this grant: <br />1.I agree to submit the required grant report by the due date (TBD). The report will ask for approximate <br />attendance numbers and demographics of audience members, and confirmation of artists hired. <br />2.I agree to use the grant funds only for the purposes explained in this form. <br />3.I agree to incorporate the logos for the Orange County Arts Commission and the North Carolina Arts Council <br />AND the NC Arts Council credit line (“This program is supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of <br />the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.”) into all marketing materials. The logos can be found here. <br />4.I understand future funding opportunities are contingent upon my adherence of these grant requirements. <br />___________________________________ __________________ <br />Signature of Authorizing Official Date <br /> <br />Jemma Boler Chapter President <br />919-599-2114 <br />Orange - Chatham African American Cultural Festival <br />April 22, 2023 <br />500 <br />Jemma Boler <br />Chapel Hill - Carrboro Area <br />Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma <br />Theta Sorority, Inc <br />P.O. Box 3411 <br />Chapel Hill, N.C. 27515 <br />The mission of this festival is to promote a positive image of African Americans and other minorities in our <br />community through the mediums of art, music, dance, drama, and poetry. Come out and enjoy a day of <br />celebration while gaining a greater appreciation of African American Culture in the United States. <br />$3500 <br />(See attached list) <br />04/14/2023 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E029B65B-C1FC-4531-8FB0-F6DBB39B0100