Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br /> LGC =205 CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS Rev . 11 /2022 <br /> The Governing Board <br /> Board of County Commissioners <br /> of Primary Government Unit <br /> Orange County <br /> and Discretely Presented Component Unit ( DPCU ) ( if applicable) <br /> n/a <br /> Primary Government Unit, together with DPCU (if applicable), hereinafter referred to as Governmental Unit(s) <br /> and Auditor Name <br /> Mauldin & Jenkins , LLC <br /> Auditor Address <br /> 4208 Six Forks Road, Suite 1000 , Raleigh, NC 27609 <br /> Hereinafter referred to as Auditor <br /> for Fiscal Year Ending Date Audit Will Be Submitted to LGC <br /> 06/30/23 10/31 /23 <br /> Must be within four months of FYE <br /> hereby agree as follows : <br /> 1 . The Auditor shall audit all statements and disclosures required by U . S . generally accepted auditing <br /> standards (GAAS ) and additional required legal statements and disclosures of all funds and/or divisions of the <br /> Governmental Unit (s) . The non - major combining , and individual fund statements and schedules shall be <br /> subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and an opinion shall <br /> be rendered in relation to (as applicable) the governmental activities , the business- type activities , the aggregate <br /> DPCUs , each major governmental and enterprise fund , and the aggregate remaining fund information ( non - <br /> major government and enterprise funds , the internal service fund type , and the fiduciary fund types) . The basic <br /> financial statements shall include budgetary comparison information in a budgetary comparison statement , <br /> rather than as RSI , for the General Fund and any annually budgeted Special Revenue funds . <br /> 2 . At a minimum , the Auditor shall conduct the audit and render the report in accordance with GAAS . The <br /> Auditor shall perform the audit in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) if the <br /> Governmental Unit expended $ 100 , 000 or more in combined Federal and State financial assistance during the <br /> reporting period . The auditor shall perform a Single Audit if required by Title 2 US Code of Federal Regulations <br /> Part 200 Uniform Administration Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, <br /> Subpart F ( Uniform Guidance) or the State Single Audit Implementation Act . This audit and all associated audit <br /> documentation may be subject to review by Federal and State agencies in accordance with Federal and State <br /> laws , including the staffs of the Office of State Auditor (OSA) and the Local Government Commission ( LGC ) . If <br /> the audit requires a federal single audit in accordance with the Uniform Guidance ( § 200 . 501 ) , it is <br /> recommended that the Auditor and Governmental Unit (s) jointly agree , in advance of the execution of this <br /> contract , which party is responsible for submission of the audit and the accompanying data collection form to <br /> the Federal Audit Clearinghouse as required under the Uniform Guidance ( § 200 . 512 ) . <br /> Effective for audits of fiscal years beginning after June 30 , 2023 , the LGC will allow auditors to consider whether <br /> a unit qualifies as a State low- risk auditee based upon federal criteria in the Uniform Guidance <br /> § 200 . 520 ( a ) , and ( b) through (e) as it applies to State awards . In addition to the federal criteria in the Uniform <br /> Guidance , audits must have been submitted timely to the LGC . If in the reporting year , or in either of the two <br /> previous years , the unit reported a Financial Performance Indicator of Concern that the audit was late , then <br /> Page 1 <br />