Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Part I. <br /> NC State Extension will: <br /> 1. Establish minimum requirements and qualifications for employment in Cooperative Extension <br /> work. <br /> 2. Receive and examine applications for employment. <br /> 3. Interview and screen applicants to determine their qualifications and availability. <br /> 4. Consult with the Board of County Commissioners, or the County Manager as designee, <br /> regarding qualified applicants for appointment to vacant or new Cooperative Extension positions. <br /> 5. Consult with the Board of County Commissioners, or the County Manager as designee, <br /> regarding the salaries and salary splits of all Cooperative Extension employees, including but <br /> not limited to County Extension Directors, Extension Agents, and County Operations Support <br /> Staff (COSS). <br /> 6. Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of County Commissioners, or the County <br /> Manager as designee, for securing the county's share of funds for salaries and operating <br /> expenses each based on the state fiscal year. <br /> 7. Provide funds for official travel necessary to conduct Cooperative Extension work and postage <br /> funds, to the extent that funds are available, and for purposes authorized by state and federal <br /> policies. <br /> 8. Accept responsibility and provide the leadership for administration and supervision of <br /> Cooperative Extension programs and personnel, including compliance with affirmative action <br /> and equal employment opportunity requirements. NC State will investigate all cases of <br /> discrimination, harassment, or retaliation following applicable NC State policies. <br /> 9. Investigate and manage all employee relations issues related to NC State employees housed in <br /> local offices. We will work collaboratively with local county government and NC A&T University <br /> when an issue impacts their employees. <br /> 10.Develop and administer a personnel management plan that will provide the annual review of <br /> each employee's performance, counseling for job improvement where needed, and periodic <br /> county program reviews. <br /> 11.Provide a staff of specialists to train agents in current technology and other changes affecting <br /> agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, 4-H and youth, and community <br /> and rural development, and to otherwise assist them in conducting work in these areas. <br /> JN0040380.11 3 <br />