Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> Under the Federal Appropriations Act of 1972, funds were provided to the 1862 land-grant <br /> universities (including NCSU) to enhance the extension outreach of the 1890 universities, which <br /> included North Carolina A&T State University (NC A&T). The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 <br /> further stipulated that these funds be appropriated directly to the 1890 institutions, and formalized <br /> the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Program as an official part of the School of Agriculture <br /> and Environmental Sciences at NC A&T. <br /> North Carolina Cooperative Extension (Cooperative Extension) provides the opportunity for North <br /> Carolina State Extension and North Carolina A&T Extension to work together to better serve the <br /> people of the State through the delivery of locally relevant programs, education and expertise. <br /> The legislation further provided for a cooperative relationship among three levels of government <br /> — federal, state, and county — to ensure that the needs of all three levels are addressed. The <br /> primary purpose of Cooperative Extension is to provide the people of North Carolina with the most <br /> current and relevant unbiased research-based information — particularly that which is related to <br /> strengthening the economy through profitable, sustainable and safe food, forest and green <br /> industry systems; protecting the environment and natural resources; and empowering youth and <br /> families to lead healthier lives and become community leaders. These purposes are furthered by <br /> Cooperative Extension employees who are charged with carrying out the extension education <br /> programs of the universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. <br /> Cooperative Extension has sufficient flexibility to permit attention to the special problems, needs, <br /> and interests of the residents and leadership in each county. Therefore, the programmatic, <br /> personnel, and funding complement reflects the unique needs of each county. County Advisory <br /> Councils are consulted on a regular basis to assist in prioritizing the county educational program <br /> content. Program clientele or recipients of services include individuals, families, communities, <br /> municipalities, agricultural and seafood processing and marketing firms, other businesses and <br /> certain organizations. These services are delivered to adults and youth in both urban and rural <br /> settings. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impacts associated with this request. This agreement <br /> does not seek to change current funding levels for Cooperative Extension. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There are no Orange County Social Justice Goal impacts <br /> associated with this item. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: There are no Orange County Environmental Responsibility Goal <br /> impacts associated with this item. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br /> 1. Approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement between Orange County and North <br /> Carolina State University; <br /> 2. Approve the "Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement: Change to Payroll <br /> Arrangement for Orange County" with Non Lock-In provision; and <br /> 3. Authorize the County Manager to sign the Agreement and Addendum on behalf of the <br /> County. <br />