Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> 1 Vice-Chair McKee said he agrees that increasing growth is critical, but he doesn't know <br /> 2 how to get around the fact that there is a group of students that are not performing the same as <br /> 3 other groups and that it can't be ignored. <br /> 4 Rani Dasi said they are in agreement. She said they will show all the numbers for each <br /> 5 group. She said they will focus on growth and monitor it for each group. <br /> 6 Vice-Chair McKee said if they could get 80% across the board that would be fantastic. He <br /> 7 said he is not sure that 90% is realistic. <br /> 8 Rani Dasi said she takes the point and there has to be focus on the fire. <br /> 9 Ashton Powell said they both have issues with bus drivers. He said the impact that is <br /> 10 having on students is that some are starting their day later, some are not getting breakfast, and it <br /> 11 is adding onto the list that is holding students back. He said that they do not have the funds to <br /> 12 make sure the routes are covered. He said they are consiering chaning bell schedules. He said <br /> 13 these students are also the same students that might already need additional help. <br /> 14 Vice-Chair McKee said that in his 12 years on the board, the deficiences really have not <br /> 15 moved. He said they need to move for the kids that need it the worst. <br /> 16 Chair Bedford thanked Rani Dasi for inviting the BOCC to the Black Knowledge Bowl. She <br /> 17 thanked all the school board members and staff for coming tonight and their commitment to <br /> 18 children. She said she will share a list of legislative priorities. She said they will all meet again on <br /> 19 April 27th to discuss budgets and the County Manager will present her budget on May 2na <br /> 20 Vice-Chair McKee said that fiber will hopefully start going in the ground by June. <br /> 21 Chair Bedford said there are 3 years of lower rates and hopefully everyone can afford it. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 A motion was made by Vice-Chair McKee, seconded by Commissioner Fowler to adjourn <br /> 24 the meeting at 9:16 p.m. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Jamezetta Bedford, Chair <br /> 29 <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Recorded by Tara May, Deputy Clerk to the Board <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Submitted for approval by Laura Jensen, Clerk to the Board <br />