Agenda - 05-02-2023; 6-a - Proposed Orange County FY 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan and HOME Activities
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Agenda - 05-02-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda - 05-02-2023; 6-a - Proposed Orange County FY 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan and HOME Activities
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Agenda for May 2, 2023 BOCC Meeting
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29 <br /> at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to conduct an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing <br /> Choice (Al).The Al includes an analysis of Orange County laws, regulations, and administrative policies, <br /> procedures, and practices that affect the location, availability, and accessibility of housing.The Al also <br /> includes an assessment of conditions, both public and private, that affect fair housing choice. <br /> The Al identified the following impediments to fair housing: <br /> • A lack of affordable housing has resulted in severe rent burdens among many renters, <br /> especially those with low and moderate incomes.A majority of renters in the county are rent- <br /> burdened—spending over 30%of household income toward rent and utilities; this figure <br /> exceeds 85%for households earning below$35,000 and is still over half for households earning <br /> $35,000–$49,999. Meanwhile, over 80%of households earning under$20,000 are severely rent- <br /> burdened (meaning they pay over half their income toward rent and utilities), as are nearly 40% <br /> of households earning$20,000–$34,999. <br /> • African American and Hispanic residents face difficulties receiving conventional mortgage <br /> loans.The denial rate for first-lien, conventional mortgages for African Americans is consistently <br /> over four times that of Whites, and the denial rate for Hispanic households is between two and <br /> four times that of Whites as well.The most common reasons for denial, as noted in the HMDA <br /> data, are credit history for African Americans (33%of all denial reasons) and debt-to-income <br /> ratio for Hispanic households (49%of all denial reasons). <br /> • Based on the number of fair housing complaints filed, disabled persons face difficulties <br /> accessing fair housing. Nearly half of all fair housing complaints filed in the 2010-2018 period <br /> were filed due to discrimination based on disability. Given that the county's population with a <br /> disability is approximately 12,500, and that over a quarter of the elderly are also disabled,this is <br /> a significant barrier to fair housing. <br /> • There exists a lack of subsidized rental properties outside the Towns of Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro.The only public housing in the county is located in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and the <br /> vast majority of other subsidized properties are located in either Chapel Hill or Carrboro.To that <br /> end, six subsidized developments exist in Hillsborough, one exists in the Orange County portion <br /> of Mebane, and only one subsidized property exists in unincorporated Orange County. <br /> • Zoning throughout the county largely restricts the development of denser, more affordable <br /> housing. Only a handful of areas in the county are zoned for moderately dense residential <br /> development (over four lots or units per acre), and resident opposition can complicate or inhibit <br /> the development of denser housing in those areas. Given the high cost of land in service-rich <br /> neighborhoods of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, low-density zoning can prevent the construction of <br /> affordable housing. <br /> Based on the impediments above, the Al makes the following recommendations. Details on these <br /> recommendations are explained more fully in the Al. <br /> • Seek more funds for subsidized housing. Low-and moderate-income households are <br /> Annual Action Plan 25 <br /> FY 2023-2024 <br />
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