Agenda - 05-02-2023; 5-c - Zoning Atlas Amendment – 4801 and 4901 Dairyland Road (PINs 9841-52-7281 9840-79-5091), Hillsborough, Bingham Township
BOCC Archives
Agenda - 05-02-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda - 05-02-2023; 5-c - Zoning Atlas Amendment – 4801 and 4901 Dairyland Road (PINs 9841-52-7281 9840-79-5091), Hillsborough, Bingham Township
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Last modified
4/27/2023 4:00:16 PM
Creation date
4/27/2023 3:42:07 PM
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Agenda for May 2, 2023 BOCC Meeting
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11 <br /> area. This approach will help to provide food and useful products for the community <br /> while also promoting soil health, reducing erosion, and providing habitats for wildlife. We <br /> will also be incorporating pollinator-friendly plants into the landscaping plan, which will <br /> support the local bee population and other beneficial insects. The plants we choose will <br /> provide food, shelter, and nesting sites for these important species, promoting a healthy <br /> and diverse ecosystem. <br /> In addition to the landscaping plan, we are also designing our roads and <br /> buildings to minimize our impact on the land. Our roadways will be designed to work <br /> with the existing terrain and will be built in a way that minimizes the amount of grading <br /> and land disturbance necessary. The roadways within Eden View will be built to D.O.T <br /> standards in order to be turned over to the state for maintenance. The roads will be <br /> professionally engineered to have minimal impact on the existing pastures, cropland, <br /> feedlots, and similar uses. <br /> Our development will consider the importance of preserving the scenic views and <br /> vistas of the area, particularly as seen from public roadways. To this end, we will <br /> prioritize leaving these views unblocked or uninterrupted. We will add to the existing <br /> landscape when needed using locally found species to create a natural visual buffer. <br /> These buffers will ensure views from the road are preserved for generations to come. In <br /> addition, we will be using the local flora found on the site as a visual screen and planting <br /> more trees will be used as a visual screen to provide privacy. We will plant Maple, <br /> Cedar, Oaks, and other trees that are already flourishing in the area to ensure that our <br /> design blends in with the existing natural landscape. Our goal is to create a community <br /> that harmonizes with the environment while providing residents with a sustainable, <br /> healthy, and beautiful place to call home. <br /> The road will be designed to provide internal access to all lots in the subdivision. <br /> Private driveways shall access existing state-maintained roads only via subdivision <br /> roads providing internal access to lots in the subdivision. Building lots will mostly be <br /> located in forested areas away from existing pastures croplands. When possible, the <br /> homes will be built within the wooded areas, preserving the viewsheds, and maximizing <br /> privacy, while maintaining the concept of a shared open space. <br /> Two beautiful ponds will be Preserved and nourished as part of the community's <br /> commitment to preserving the natural environment. We plan to redesign them using <br /> permaculture principles, ensuring their longevity and supporting the surrounding <br /> ecosystem. The ponds will be enhanced with a variety of trees, including Willows, <br /> Cypresses, and Red Maples, which will provide shade and habitat for a variety of <br />
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