Agenda - 05-02-2023; 5-c - Zoning Atlas Amendment – 4801 and 4901 Dairyland Road (PINs 9841-52-7281 9840-79-5091), Hillsborough, Bingham Township
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Agenda - 05-02-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda - 05-02-2023; 5-c - Zoning Atlas Amendment – 4801 and 4901 Dairyland Road (PINs 9841-52-7281 9840-79-5091), Hillsborough, Bingham Township
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4/27/2023 4:00:16 PM
Creation date
4/27/2023 3:42:07 PM
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Agenda for May 2, 2023 BOCC Meeting
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10 <br /> native edible species, providing a maturing food forest for the community. There will be <br /> educational stations along the way, designed to inspire learning and creativity in nature. <br /> Community is paramount to Eden View Acres, and we will collaborate with local groups <br /> focusing on education in nature. <br /> The park located in the center of the neighborhood will be a hub of outdoor <br /> activity and natural fun. Designed with an eye toward sustainability and fitness, it will <br /> feature natural climbing structures, rope swings, and slides built into the surrounding <br /> hills. These features will provide an exciting and challenging environment for kids and <br /> adults alike to explore and test their limits. Additionally, the park will include a natural <br /> playground, designed to encourage imaginative play and creativity in all ages. The <br /> playground will feature materials such as logs, stumps, and boulders, and will be <br /> arranged in a way that promotes social interaction and exploration. With these unique <br /> features, the park will be a wonderful place for residents to connect with nature and stay <br /> active in a fun and engaging way. <br /> At Eden View Acres, we are committed to adhering to the principles of the <br /> Orange County Comprehensive Plan. Our development plan takes into account the <br /> prime view sheds, such as those visible from Orange Grove Road. To preserve the <br /> natural beauty of the area, we have chosen to locate our active farm off Orange Grove <br /> Road, making our neighborhood's entrance off Dairyl_and. This decision ensures that <br /> the value of all view sheds is protected, and the land retains its unspoiled charm. <br /> As we plan the development of Eden View Acres, we are taking great care to <br /> protect the beautiful trees that already exist on the land. We have identified several <br /> mature trees that are particularly stunning and unique. We are designing our proposed <br /> homesites and roads to work with the landscape to the best of our abilities while still <br /> meeting the D.O.T. standards for residential roadways. By avoiding areas with large or <br /> significant trees and choosing a path along ridges and in flatter zones, we will minimize <br /> the need for grading and land disturbance. In addition, we plan to implement a <br /> protective zone around each tree within the primary open space, that will prevent <br /> construction equipment and materials from damaging the tree's root system or trunk. All <br /> significant trees and natural features in the primary open spaces will be prioritized for <br /> protection. We plan to protect all substantial trees on any lot. We have also designed a <br /> plan to be implemented for the protection of natural features, including shared <br /> viewsheds of secondary open spaces will be preserved through careful management. <br /> Our goal is not only to preserve the natural beauty of the area but also to ensure that <br /> this land continues to thrive and mature for generations to come. <br /> Our plan also includes the creation of a food trail, where edible plants, shrubs, <br /> and trees will be grown together in a way that mimics the natural ecosystems of the <br />
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