Orange County NC Website
Remote Technical Assistance Services Agreement <br />for the Orange County Housing Department <br />2023 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. 1 <br />EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK <br />Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. (NMA) is prepared to provide the Orange County Housing <br />Department (OCHD) with remote consulting services related to its housing choice voucher (HCV) <br />and project-based voucher (PBV) programs. <br />Our Approach & Strategy <br />On an as-needed basis, NMA will provide a skilled consultant available remotely via email or <br />teleconference for up to thirty (30) hours of consulting services to answer questions pertaining to <br />OCHD’s HCV and PBV programs. <br />For service requests outside of the assigned consultant’s scope, OCHD may contact <br /> Upon receipt of the service request, the project manager will work with <br />the appropriate subject matter expert(s) from NMA’s team to ensure that questions are addressed <br />timely. <br />Proposed Investment <br />NMA will invoice OCHD at a rate of $150 per hour, not to exceed a total cost of $4,500. NMA <br />team members will track their work under this contract in fifteen (15) minute increments. <br />Resource Hourly Rate Quantity Not-to-Exceed Cost <br />Senior Consultant $150 30 $4,500 <br />Document Ref: CSKCM-VZM3K-OJEPZ-CJRUU Page 10 of 10 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 4B4F1847-3E9E-4EB7-86DF-20427FE372B2