Orange County NC Website
6 . Indicate the availability of resources for reasonable accommodation , including technological advances and <br /> sources of additional resources , and the costs imposed . <br /> o Rounding, please use deeiials. <br /> Resources (Describe) Cost <br /> Large print readers in county facilities $ 0 <br /> Note-takers $ 0 <br /> TTY and 711 $ - <br /> Recordings $ - <br /> Brialle signage $ - <br /> Videos with subtitles $ - <br /> 7. Does staff know and understand Section 504 compliance and how to implement ? - e . g. Have employees been <br /> trained on your policies and procedures regarding qualified persons with disabilities ? Please check a bog and <br /> explain below your answer below. <br /> Please check a box and explain below your answer below . Yes El No ❑ <br /> If yes, please indicate how and how often . If no, please explain why not. <br /> Onboarding, in-services , and sharing of relevant information as it pertains to housing clients , eg . Service animals in <br /> housing <br /> 8 . Identify sources for assistance available and viable - Describe the tool or method used being used to collect data <br /> on participant satisfaction with program accessibility services . <br /> The Orange County Human Resources Department collects data and feedback for all instances or <br /> accommodation requests , complaints , and accessibility questions to provide accessibility to all <br /> employees . Additionally, we have conducted focus groups with members of the disabled populations to inform our <br /> planning . Outreach to the Disability Awareness Council, libraries, and senior centers are planned . <br /> 9 . Have there been any complaints filed based on disability discrimination ? <br /> Yes [INo p If yes, please describe below, including number of complaints, nature of <br /> complaints, and resolution of complaints . <br /> 10 . How many Section 504 training/workshops/meetings/conferences have local government staff attended in the last <br /> year for technical assistance ? (Insert a number) <br /> E:(o <br /> 11 . How many Section 504 training/workshops/meetings/conferences have local government staff conducted in the <br /> last year for technical assistance ? (Insert a number) <br /> E:C0 <br />